Calum's Pov ~ Chapter 13

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I can't stop thinking about her. Every awakening moment soo far these past few weeks she has been on my mind. I can't bring myself to forget her because she's too amazing to forget. I have to ask her. I have to ask her if she wants to be mine. Ever since the party, my emotions have been flying all over the place. And now, everytime i see her, I smile and blush. A girl has never made me do that before. I realise that she makes me sane and human in a way. And if she doesn't feel the same way....well I will accept that and protect her no matter what. Tonight me and Camilla have planned to talk on Skype..again. I wait as I call her. She picks up after a few seconds and I'm amazed to see her. Even though it's late at night, she looks stunning. Her blonde hair wild but pretty, she's wearing a white tank top and grey joggers.

"Hey Cal!".

"Hey Cam! How are you?".

"I'm good but not great, I've caught the flu, to be honest I think it caught me and I've been in bed all day eating ice cream".

"What!? Okay I'm coming over".

"Are you crazy? No my parents would kill me if they found out you were in my house!".

"Come on Cam, what they don't know won't hurt them".

Okay fine but, how are you supposed to get in? Climb though the window?".

"Yes exactly that, I'll be two secs".

I end the chat just she protests. I sprint down the stairs without trouble making sure the boys and their girls don't hear me. I walk along the path until I make i see Camilla's bedroom window. She appears and tells me to go back. No way am I doing that. Vines cover Camilla's side of the house, so I decide to climb up. It's tricky at first but then it became easy. I clamber through the window landing on the floor. What the hell am I doing again? I haven't exactly planned this out. Camilla helps me up, her face in shock that I actually came up here.

"Okay. Calum. What the hell?!".

"You said you were ill so I thought maybe you wanted some company".

"But I don't understand. We were having a Skype call. We were practically face to face. What was the point of coming here?".

"Well....i need to talk to you".

Oh God, here it goes...

"About what Calum?".

"Ummm...i....uhh....I've kinda developed feelings".

Damn I shouldn't of said that. Crap.

"Developed feelings....for me? I'm confused. Do you have a crush on me or something?".

Yeah...i have a crush on you and.....".

This is not going as planned. Boys always pick up girls in movies. Yet again, there movies not real life.

"Okay. Okay. Let me get this straight. You have a crush. On me? This must be a joke the boys have set you up to".

"No it's not Cam".

"Well prove it then".

I take a deep breath, readying myself for utter embarrassment. If she doesn't believe my words. Maybe she'll believe a kiss. I cup her cheeks, lean in and kiss her lips softly. She doesn't move away, she just stands here for a few seconds until she kisses me back. I kiss her more deeply and so does she. I walk back towards the wall, bringing Cam with me. My foot hits something hard and a loud sound rings throughout the house. Lights begin to turn in the hallway. Camilla's parents are awake. I realise my lips from hers and make my way towards the window. I'm about to climb though when Camilla grabs me, turns me around and kisses me. I suddenly forget about the footsteps approaching the door. I focus completely on her.

"Camilla, sweetheart it's your dad. Are you okay in there?".

Our lips break apart as she replies.

"Yep everything's fine, I just...tripped but I'm fine now, you can go back to bed".

"Okay darling".

Her dad's footsteps decrease in sound until silence fell.

"You are soo lucky Cal, if he would have saw you, he wouldn't have any problem pushing you out the window".

"Awww but he seems like a nice guy".

"Haha very funny, now go before he comes back, he always does when this happens".

"I'm not leaving without a goodnight kiss".

Camilla rolls her eyes and kisses me again. I kiss her back. She's everything I've ever dreamed of. She's perfect. I don't want to break away from her kiss. But finally we break apart and I climb down the vines. I blow a kiss to her as she walks back into her bedroom. I suddenly feel alive and free. I waste no time getting back into the house. When I do I go back into my room and sleep. As long as I sleep I will dream of her. Camilla.

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