Camilla's Pov ~ Chapter 17

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I'm sick and tired of my parents! They never understand how I feel. They always think I lie and I tell them stuff they have never heard of when they have. This is the drawbacks of being a teenager. Your treated like your irresponsible child and you never get a say in anything. Luckily tonight, my parents have finally decided to leave me alone and go out for dinner. I'm now alone in the house, I'm soo happy to have peace once in a while. I need it and since my parents are clueless, they forgot to take my iPad away from me, so now I can talk to Calum.

I decide to talk to him on Skype, face to face rather than text message or phone call. He answers within a heart beat and my straight face turns into a smile. It has been a couple of days since that dreadful day with my parents. I try and forget about it and focus on Calum. His hair is in all directions, the clothes he's wearing are ruffled and creased. I must of woken him up.

"Hey beautiful! I thought you were going to call me tomorrow?".

"Yeah sorry about that, I guess I couldn't wait till then ".

"Oh okay, I've missed you! How much trouble did u get for talking back to your parents?".

" I got in a lot of trouble, but oh well, thug life, they haven't taken any of my stuff though soo I guess I'm not going to hell".

"Awww poor you, I would gladly escort you to hell myself and join you".

"At least I won't be alone, like I am right now".

"You're such a loner".

"You are one to talk".

"I'm kidding Cam".

"I know you are Cal, anyway, want to watch me cook?".

"Cook? Okay fine but if you fail, I'm afraid we can't be friends anymore".

"Oh haha very funny, and friends? I love you too baby".

I sigh and sit up from the couch and walk towards the kitchen, bringing my Ipad with me. I start to make pancakes, because it's the only thing i can make apart from cakes and pizza. I begin to add, mix and flip stuff in the air. After a couple of minutes, the pancakes are done and I take a seat on the kitchen chair, facing the iPad. Calum smiles and says.

" I'm impressed, now I know you can make pancakes for me then".

" I'll think I'll pass on that one".

"Pretty please".

"Oh Cal, that puppy dog face doesn't work anymore, didn't you know that?".

"Damn, I'll just have to find another way to convince you then, starting tomorrow".

"You lazy bum Cal".

"So are you, don't deny it".

"Okay, okay Calum yourself down".

"Not funny".

"Oh come on you had that one coming to you".

"Oh okay, I'll let you off".

"Thank you".

After I said that, Calum's eyes wondered off, he was looking at something else. When he returns his gaze back to me, his face becomes worried.

"Umm Cam, are you expecting anyone tonight?".

"What do you mean?".

"Umm nothing, I thought I saw something".

"Oh okay".

But still Calum continues to stare pass me, I don't know what he's looking at but I choose to ignore it untill he focuses back on me again.

"Calum, what the hell are you looking at?".

"Cam I'm serious, is there anyone your expecting?".

"Calum, I'm not expecting anyone. What's wrong?".

"It's nothing, I keep seeing people near your house".

Before I could say anything, I hear the door to my garden door open and a pair of hard, tight and huge hands cover my mouth.

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