Calum's Pov ~ Chapter 29

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I swear I felt my heart stop when the gun was pressed against Camilla's head. I thought the air around me froze and the blood in my veins ran cold. Sweat drips down my face like a waterfall. This is like a scene in a action movie, expect the gun is real, the situation is real, death is real. Camilla's face is full of fear, no emotion that lingers towards sadness or depression, just plain fear. Silence fills the gloomy, dull room. The others agreed to stay outside and that I'll give a signal so they can attack. But I can't bring myself to do it. What if he shoots Camilla? Game over. I can't move or speak. I need to do something or else that man will murder the only girl I will ever love.

"Soo this is the famous Calum Hood, in the flesh and bone. I'm quite surprised, I thought you would do a runner by now but I guess I was wrong, your more stupider for staying".

Is it possible to whack someone with your imagination? Coz I'd seriously love to imagine a chainsaw or a shotgun aimed at this sucker. My voice sounds like a dying cat.

"I'm not stupid, at least I'm clever enough to know that you have no bullets in that gun".


The man checks the gun and its ammo. It's empty. Dumbass. To his shock he stands open mouthed.

"How did you do that?? The gun was loaded!".

"Who's stupid now?".

"Don't you think I don't have a back up plan? I always come prepared".

I don't turn around, I already know what's behind me. The other man, with a closed fist targeted at my face. The pain almost immediately hits me and I fall to the ground. I hear Camilla scream and that's loud enough to make the others dash into the room. Michael is the first to come in, wearing leather gloves and a fist made of steel. He lunges at the man who just hit me, hitting the man in all areas. I struggle to breathe just as Luke and Ashton arrive, they both notice me but they signal in Beth and Mavi. I turn over to my side and cough and gag. I feel Beth and Mavi's arm's around me, pulling me into a corner for safety. I see Ash and Luke throwing themselves at the main man, i hear Camilla drop to the ground in a panic, i try and get up but Beth holds me back. Camilla drags herself towards me. I see her eyes flushed in red, bloodshot. She uses all her strength to get to me, i wrap my arms around her, ignoring the pain in my face. She is covered in grime, dirt and mud. I don't want to let her go. Ever. I picture me and her back home together, i almost forget the situation around us. Until I hear the sound of a bullet go into a gun. And that gun is aimed at Camilla, and the person behind it is that man who held the gun before. I know he's going to shoot Camilla, so i rise up and take my place in front of Camilla. I wait. I wait for the bullet to hit me. I wait for the pain to race up me. But it doesn't happen when the gun goes off, the bullet didn't hit me. But if it didn't hit me. Who did it hit......oh no.......NO........CAMILLA!!!!!!!! I watch as Camilla drops to the floor in front of my eyes. NO!!!!!!!!!! I collapse to the floor next to Camilla. I sob. Cry. Mutter words. I hold Camilla in my arms.


I'm as good as dead without Camilla. I feel....nothing. I feel no pain in my face. I only feel nothing. As I hold Camilla in my arms, I feel her warmth still. I feel her lungs move. I feel her eyes on mine.


I hold her soo tight, that I have to catch my breath. I look down and see that the bullet hit near her stomach, she's not dead. SHE'S NOT DEAD!!! I cry and laugh. Everyone around me is quiet, my band members smile, Beth and Mavi smiles. Camilla smile. I feel at peace. I feel alive again.

And just at that moment, I see two figures sprint for the door before another two figures stand on there way. Lydia and Gibbson. The two men stop in they're tracks. Gibbson grins just before she pulls out a fire extinguisher and full blown whacks the two men in the face. Ouch. That's gotta hurt in the morning. Lydia laughs as she kicks the men in the nuts. Gibbson and Lydia walk over to me with sass. Gibbson hugs me and then Camilla.

"Are you okay Calum?".

"Yeah I am now".

"We should take Camilla to the hospital".

"Yeah come on, let's go".

I pick up Camilla and cradle her in my ams, I watch the others reunite with there loved ones, and I watch as the police run inside. About time!! Camilla holds me face with one hand. I hear her say to me.

"I'm your angel? Princess? Hero?".

"Shhhh you weren't supposed to hear that".

As I walk out the door, the police follow us with the two dumb asses. I feel the cool air hit my face as a women of a young age takes Camilla away from reach and takes her to the ambulance. I follow. I know what your thinking. But I'll let be our secret. I walk into the van, and hold Camilla's hand. Just before the door closes, I hear Gibbson say words I've been wanting to say for ages.

"Oi you two asses, just remember don't mess with 5sos.....Batch ".

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