Twenty Two

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"This is such a nice day" Amber says as we are outside trying to get a tan with Jessica, Lauren is inside doing something with her art while Angela is off somewhere. Amber is dressed in a black long sleeve turtleneck bodysuit with a blue denim shirt and high knee black boots with her hair in a bun. I'm wearing a a light gray top with a buttoned up denim blue skirt and converse.

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"I know" Jessica agrees "we rarely get them in Forks" she then noticed Bella "he's not here"

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"I know" Jessica agrees "we rarely get them in Forks" she then noticed Bella "he's not here"

"What?" Bella asks

"The Cullens" Jessica says "whenever the weather is nice the Cullens disappear"

"What?" She asks "do they just ditch"

"Probably out hunting innocent animals" Amber comments and I give her a look, she shakes her head "I didn't say anything"

She's kind of right about that "Yeah" Jessica confirms "I think Dr and Mrs Cullen take them out hunting but also camping and hiking"

"My parents never" Amber shakes her head "would go for that. Oh! Lera! Remember that one time we camped out in the attic!"

"Oh yeah" nodding my head "how's everything—I forgot to ask. About her?"

"Oh" waving her hand "she's dead"

"Okay" nodding my head

"Who's dead?" Jessica asks

"This evil bitch" Amber tells her "who hated people, she's dead now. Our friend Kate killed her or was it Eddie? One of the two"

"Guys!" Angela exclaims coming over "I'm going to the prom with Eric, you were right. I took control" she and Bella hug.

"I knew you could do it" Bella says

"Are you sure" Angela asks "you have to go out of town?"

"Yeah" Bella nods her head "family thing"

"Oh!" Amber claps her hands together excitedly "this means prom dress shopping!"

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