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"Hey Trudy?" I ask as Fabian and I are helping her make cakes for today's open house "What happened to the chandelier? That use to be in the foyer?" I remember Victor mentioning there being a chandelier once in the foyer before it was taken down. What if the next clue has to do with the chandelier? I mean it's been another week and we haven't gotten anything.

"Yes" nodding her head "we have it around here somewhere"

"Do you think we could put it back up?" I ask "I mean show the perspective parents all of the history this house has to give" she smiles nodding her head.

"Why?" Fabian asks as Trudy goes to get it.

"Tears of glass?" I ask "think about it for a moment, tears of glass? Chandeliers and their"

"Tears of glass" he gets it "but what about midday sunset?" I bring him to the foyer.

"See the glass" pointing to the mosaic art "that's the sunset"

"Of course" his eyes widen "how didn't I see it before?" We soon help Trudy put the chandelier up.

"Anyone smell anything?" Trudy asks before running off yelling "the cakes!" Fabian and I wait for the light to hit and when it does there is also this ringing that is kind of making me a bit crazy, there is this green stream of light that hits the wall.

Grabbing the necklace, I put it where the glowing is at its peak. The wall opens and Fabian pulls out a small staff with a diamond on the end of it.

"This" Fabian says to me "is the coolest thing to ever happen to me"

"Me too" nodding my head "come on, let's get Amber. Meet up in the attic" going up to the attic after putting away the ladder, we wait for Amber.

When she comes in, her eyes widen "Oh my god! Is that it?"

"It is" nodding my head "what do you think these pieces lead to?"

"I've done some research" Fabian says "and the pieces could lead to the Cup of Ankh"

"Cup of Immortality?" I ask

He nods his head "Yes—see when the original owners of the house"

"The gloomy looking couple?" Amber asks

"Same ones" nodding his head "well the Frobisher-Smythes, it was said that during excavation that they found Tutankhamen's tomb. In the tomb was the Cup of Ankh that had been hidden away by his lover Amneris, in the wrong hands the power from the cup can bestow great evil such as war or destruction in some form"

"Okay" I say "so say this is all true, that we are finding the cup. How does it relate to me being the chosen one?"

"Maybe your lover can tell you" Amber jokes

"The cup" Fabian says "was originally made by the gods, Anubis specifically. Maybe he entrusted the true descendant from Isis's bloodline to wield the power"

"If that is true" waving my hand "my sister would also be a candidate since she's my twin"

"But the rest of the letter" Amber says "is true of heart and pure of mind or is it the other way around? Pure of heart and true of mind?"

"Amber's right" Fabian agrees "from what we've heard about your sister, she can't be the chosen one"

Taking the piece that we found "I wonder if there's another clue in here, maybe the original owners only wanted those who wouldn't use the cup's power for evil to find it"

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