Thirty Three

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~Lera's POV~

I'm alone with Demetri in his room which will be his former room, he can send all of this stuff to the Swan House. I told Charlie that I'm sending boxes of stuff there along with Felix's, he was fine with it. He doesn't question much. "Your my mate" I say

Nodding his head "I am"

"How" I ask "do you feel about me having five children?"

"I'm not thrilled that you were intimate with another man" he says "if that's what your asking...but it doesn't matter, your children are my children"

I stare at him trying to think of the right question " you know him?"

"I do" he growls his eyes turning black "and he'll die for not having us meet sooner"

I look at him confused "What do you mean?"

"He's known you and I are destined for one another for years" he tells me "since meeting you I suspect and the videos and pictures he sent"

"What videos? Pictures?" I demand "tell me the truth, please"

He is silent before saying "For the last two years he has been sending me photos and videos of you naked and the noises you make during sex" what?! He's been sexting photos is me!

"Show me" I order

"Leralynn" he says

"Show me" I repeat, he nods his head and we go to his lap top and he shows me the photos of me. Graphic images and some of the recordings. These are intimate times and Zephyr...I was warned by Victor and the others that he had been waiting years for his revenge. Have I been part of his revenge? "Oh god" I stop covering my mouth feeling sick "where's your trash?" Demetri brings it over and I throw up, how could he? When I pull away, I grab a tissue wiping my mouth before crying.

"What happened?" I see Amber come in and she comes to my side.

"I want him dead" I tell Amber "Zephyr...I want him dead" I then realize what his endgame is "oh god" I grab the trash again throwing up some more.

Zephyr used me as a broodmare but to also put my mate through pain, his true love didn't just die. It was his soulmate. My children with him, Zephyr only planned to use my children to kill the Volturi. Their nothing but pawns to him.

When I pull away, I think about it and every time he was inside of me. "He's been inside of me so many times" shaking my head as I cry.

"That bastard" Amber says "oh my god...your birth control" I realize it too, after I had the triplets I worked out but when I was cleared did Zephyr begin to fuck me again...I wasn't thinking then but he was using his powers on me, making me think having his children and tucking him raw was a good idea but it was just part of his plan. He was planning on creating an army, use my children. Risk their lives.

"I need to bring my children away from him" I tell her

"And we will" Demetri promises me "and I promise that when I get my hands on him, I'll make him pay for the pain he is putting you through"

"He doesn't know we met" I say

"What?" Demetri asks

Looking at him "Zephyr doesn't know any of us have met..."

"She's right" Amber nods her head "he doesn't know. Just like he doesn't know your pregnant again with his child"

Demetri looks at me then to my belly then to me "What do you mean?"

"My children" I tell them "their hybrids...Zephyr is their biological father"

"That should be impossible" Felix says

Shaking my head "Can we talk about this when we're not in vampire central?"

"Of course" Demetri pulls me into his embrace "no matter what Lera, I'm here for you and the children and I'll always come back to you"

~Time Skip~

When I'm back in Forks with Amber, we go to Zephyr's house where the kids are "Mommy!" Ripley and Ruby run to me and I kneel hugging them both.

"Oh my babies" I kiss the top of their heads

"Your back early" Zephyr says

Nodding our heads "We couldn't stay away from the children" Amber says "too hard"

Nodding his head "I see another is to be expected"

"Hey Zephyr" Amber asks "I have a question"

"Yes?" He asks

"What would you do if you realized someone was keeping you from your mate?" She asks "like sending nude photos to someone that wasn't you to look at?" He stares at her.

"Why?" He asks

"Because" Demetri and Felix are behind him, I have my shield on them "your dead" I shield my babies along with Amber as Demetri and Felix dismember Zephyr. They take away his pieces hiding them, they'll end him eventually but first let him suffer more first.

"Where's daddy?" Ruby asks as Amber and I pick up the girls.

"Daddy went somewhere" I tell them as our mates return "babies, Auntie Amber and I have two people we want you to meet" going over to our mates who look our way and the twins look at them.

"He big" Ripley points at Felix

"That's right" Amber nods her head "children meet mine and your mommy's mates"

"Mates?" Ruby asks "as in soulmates?"

Nodding my head "That's right, meet Demetri and Felix" the girls wave their hands to them.

"Hi" Demetri says "it's really nice to meet you" the triplets begin to cry.

"Mommy" Ruby points to my breasts, I still pump milk "why are your boobies crying?"

"My boobies aren't crying" I set her down "I'll explain later but first mommy needs to feed your siblings"

"Let me help" Demetri offers

"We'll watch the twins" Amber tells us, nodding my head we go to the triplets who are hungry. Grabbing the triplets we soon heat up their drinks adding blood before feeding them, Demetri the boys while my daughter drinks from my boob. I'm in the rocking chair enjoying this moment with my kids and mate.

"Are you" Demetri asks me "going to tell me how it's possible that you have children with Zephyr?"

"It's a long story" I tell him

"We've got time" he reminds me "how old are they?"

"Four months" I tell him "they grow very fast...Demetri? Can we take things slow?"

"Of course" he says "we can take however long you want, but I want to make things clear. I will be turning you"

I look down wincing when my daughter bites my boob, she looks up "ow" my little girl giggles "your going to be a troublemaker aren't you?" My daughter puts her face back in my chest drinking more milk. I shift her to drink my other breast when I'm tapped out in one.

A cold hand is on my shoulder, looking I see Demetri looking down at me and I smile looking up at him feeling whole.

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