Twenty Nine

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When we wake up, it's when the triplets begin crying very loudly. Amber and I go to the window while we hear a commotion, settling the babies down we go to the door and see Jacob Black here shirtless with short hair, shorts, an upper arm tattoo. Much like Paul.

"Jacob" Charlie is here as Zephyr looked at me nodding his head, great he's a wolf shifter "what are you doing here at two in the morning?"

"He came to see me dad" Bella speaks

Shaking his head "Go home"

"Charlie" Jacob speaks "I just want to talk to Bella"

"You spoke to her" I say "whatever else you have to say you can say during the day, not at nighttime and surely not during a time when you woke up three babies"

Jacob scowls at me "What's your problem?" Amber demands "you broke in here"

"Your back" Jacob says "still with that thing you call your baby daddy"

"Jacob leave" Charlie orders "it's because of our history that I'm not throwing you out of here—I will not allow you to insult one of my daughter's while you ignore the other, I will be speaking to your dad about this"


"Leave" he orders "now or I'm calling your dad right now" Jacob soon leaves and we all go to bed.

In the morning Amber, Zephyr and I have just finished feeding the babies the breast milk that I pumped when Bella comes into the room. Charlie is in the living room talking to Billy about Jacob's showing up last night.

"What do you want Bella?" I demand seeing Ruby and Ripley finished their pancakes.

"I'm going to confront Jacob" she says "and I want you there too"

We look at her "You who?" Amber asks

"You and Lera" Bella says "you both know something and will you both come with?"

"You want us to come with you" I demand "even after you woke my children up several times? No"

"Please" she begs "Jacob before he was thrown out told me that you know and that he can't talk to anyone but you and I need to know"

"You don't" Zephyr says "it's just like with the Cullens, you didn't need to know then and you don't need to know now"

"Plus we're in Forks for a few more days" Amber adds "we're going to Europe after" our first stop is Italy, we're going to go through all the famous cities before going to France then Spain, then Portugal and lastly Germany.

"I'll leave you alone for the rest of your time here" Bella begs "Lera? Please?"

I know Bella and her bugging, looking at them "She won't stop, one hour and we are taking my vehicle and not your death trap" nodding her head "Zephyr?"

"I'll watch over the kids" he promises

Getting up, we get dressed. Thankfully my workout with Zephyr gets me back into shape. Zephyr he helps me manage what workouts to do and when since he knows my health is very important, he's great about that. If your thinking he wants me to be a certain weight he doesn't. He just knows how much I hate carrying around the baby weight after birth. I don't want people thinking I'm fat when they don't know how I had babies.

Amber dresses into a cream colored long sleeve crop top with a black skirt and cream pump heels. I'm in a off shoulder black crop top with black skinny jeans and black ankle books.

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