The Amnesia Filtered Recovery

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     And I am BACK and AT IT with making you cry!

     /j but seriously i need to learn how to properly write things other than trauma lmao

     Anyways, this is a part two for The Amnesia Layered Reunion (in case you couldn't tell from the painstakingly similar title) and uhm- hopefully you've read that, and enjoy!


     Guiding blinked. Everything around him was blurry, and the only thing he was able to clearly see were small dots of light.

     He blinked again, and there seemed to be a ceiling forming, with dim lights on the walls. And- who's hair was that? Guiding tried to lift his arm up to poke it, but it seemed too heavy to move.

     Another blink, and he was suddenly aware of his surroundings. Curious was in the corner of his vision, looking half asleep and even more sleep deprived than he usually was. Guiding was back in his room, lying on the old sofa- there were bandages wrapped around his arm and chest, and everything was sore.

    "Guiding!" Curious jolted awake, jumping a little as he helped Guiding sit up. "I thought you- never mind."

     "Ow," Guiding muttered in reply, picking at the bandages on his bare chest. "Wh- I thought it was just my arm that got injured, what are these for?"

     "Figure managed to fracture a few of your ribs- but Void managed to patch most everything up using their cool shadow stuff. Still, you'll still have to leave that for a while," Curious filled in, saying everything like he was reciting it off of a script- knowing his lacking ability to talk to people, he probably was. "And your right shoulder got dislocated, but we popped it back."

     "No wonder it feels so sore," Guiding grimaced a little as he managed to sit straight. "But I didn't expect Figure to be that strong- are they usually this aggressive?"

     "Uh... he usually tones down a lot after they hear the lamp crash, signaling that it's just another run from a group of... uh- uhm-"

     "Players," Guiding filled in.

     "Yeah- players, or maybe just one person sometimes," Curious continued. "But their instincts are a lot stronger than they show."

     "I want to know, how long did it take for you to know all this?" Guiding lifted up his right arm, looking at the deep cut that was left into it.

     "I kind of guessed, based on how- uh, everything was going on," Curious said sheepishly. "But then I talked to Void and Figure, and their experiences seemed to match what I saw, so that kind of solved it. B- but, I don't think that really matters, uhm-"

     Guiding smiled, seeing Curious' curiosity just getting the better of him. "Alright, we'll mind that later. I want to go see how Figure's doing... and what happened to the players? The twins?"

     "Void said the circumstances were... special enough to let them stay here- and we'll just drop them off at- uh, the entrance, I think- after a while, so they don't need to complete the run," Curious said. "Brynn- the girl one, right?- has been warming up to the chaos quintuplet a lot, especially Screech, but the other one- Bryce, wasn't it- likes staying around A-120, A-60, and A-90 more. As far as I can tell, the four of them just spend their time sitting around and staring at each other while Glitch teleports them around. They're- the entities- they're surprisingly passive about these guests for some reason."

     "Void probably re-introduced them to the notion of Crucifixes," Guiding said with a small laugh.

     "Yeah," Curious agreed. He went over and sat next to Guiding on the sofa, yawning a little bit as he popped his neck. Guiding put his head on Curious' arm just to annoy him.

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