crackhead humor (ft. the lights)

19 1 39

i just wanted to share the shit i feel like guiding and curious would laugh about while the entities  are like "are they fighting or being friendly or possibly gay"

and omg productivity came out of absolutely nowhere today- wow i-


Guiding: Do you think we could work like zombies?

Curious: What?

Guiding: Like- if we bit a player would they turn into a light or would they just die? Or would they die first then proceed to turn into a light?

Curious: I think they'd just be traumatized.

Guiding: Yeah, you're probably right.


Guiding: You literally don't have any friends-

Curious: Well then what are you? A dead roach?!



Guiding, tearing up: I'm your friend?

(he's lonely af lmao)


Curious, trying to see something and squinting a lot: That's... uhh... nice?

Guiding: Bro, you need glasses.

Curious: I do not!

Guiding: The books you read are held half an inch away from your eyes every time you pick them up- what do you mean, you "do not"?

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