I'm being sirius

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Sirius black imagine

As a first-year student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, settling into my new routine was made easier with the presence of my twin sister, Lily, and our newfound friends, James, Remus, Peter, and Sirius. We formed an inseparable group, always ready to support and protect one another.

However, trouble was brewing in the form of Lucius Malfoy, a pure-blood wizard who took it upon himself to torment Muggle-born students like me. I became the target of his cruel taunts and jibes, but little did Lucius know that he had underestimated the power of friendship.

One sunny afternoon, as we were enjoying a stroll by the lake, we spotted Lucius and his gang of followers approaching. The air grew tense, but I refused to let fear consume me. I knew I had my friends by my side, and that gave me the strength to stand tall.

As Lucius approached, a smug expression etched on his face, Lily stepped forward, a fierce determination in her eyes. "Lucius Malfoy, you better think twice before you mess with my sister or any of us," she declared, her voice steady and unwavering.

James, Remus, Peter, and Sirius stood shoulder to shoulder, a united front against Lucius and his cronies. "You think your pure-blood status gives you the right to bully others? Well, you're wrong," James stated, his voice laced with conviction.

Remus, always the voice of reason, added, "We're not going to let you hurt our friend, Lucius. We stand together, and we won't tolerate your bigotry."

Peter, though usually quiet, found his voice. "You can't scare us or make us back down. We'll protect you, Y/N, no matter what."

Sirius, known for his mischievous nature, smirked and chimed in, "You know, Lucius, they say karma has a way of coming back to bite you. Better watch your back."

Lucius's arrogance wavered for a moment as he faced the united front of my friends and me. He realized that his bullying tactics wouldn't work against such a strong alliance.

With a scowl, Lucius turned on his heel and walked away, his gang following suit. We watched as they retreated, feeling a sense of victory and relief washing over us.

I turned to my friends, a grateful smile on my face. "Thank you, all of you. I don't know what I would do without you. Together, we can face anything."

Lily wrapped an arm around me, our bond as twins stronger than ever. "We'll always have each other's backs, sis. No matter what happens."

As the fifth year rolled around, the holiday season approached, and James invited me to spend Christmas at his house. I was thrilled and couldn't wait to see everyone again Lily, Peter, Remus, and of course, Sirius.

But when Sirius finally arrived, looking battered and carrying a suitcase, my heart skipped a beat. I rushed over to him, my voice filled with concern. "Sirius, what happened? Are you alright?"

He winced, attempting a smile. "Hey, Y/N. It's nothing, really. Just a little scuffle, defending someone."

I grabbed his arm gently, my worry evident. "You don't have to downplay it. Who did this to you?"

Sirius glanced around cautiously before leaning in closer. "It was Lucius Malfoy. He threatened to hurt you, and I couldn't just stand by. We got into a fight, and, well, things escalated."

I gasped, my hand instinctively reaching up to cover my mouth. "Lucius threatened me? But why would he do that?"

Sirius shook his head, anger flickering in his eyes. "He's just a slimy git who can't stand the thought of someone standing up to him. I couldn't let him get away with it."

My heart swelled with a mixture of gratitude and concern. "Sirius, you didn't have to do that. You could've gotten seriously hurt."

A bitter smile played on his lips. "I know, but I couldn't let him harm you. I'd do anything to protect you."

Lily, who had been standing nearby, approached me with a gentle smile as sirius gave us some privacy. "Y/N, Sirius is right. He cares about you deeply, and he's proven that today."

I turned to Lily, my voice trembling. "Lily, I've realized something. I... I love Sirius. Seeing him hurt like this made me realize how much he means to me."

Lily's eyes sparkled with understanding. "Sometimes, it takes difficult moments to truly recognize our feelings. Y/N, follow your heart. Love has a way of overcoming even the toughest obstacles."

Taking a deep breath, I gathered my courage and went to find Sirius, my voice filled with determination as I approached him. "Sirius, I love you. Despite everything, I want to be with you."

Sirius's eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and joy crossing his face. "Y/N, I love you too. More than anything. You've been my light in the darkest of times."

With that, we leaned in and our lips met in a tender kiss, sealing our commitment to one another. Underneath the table, our hands found each other, fingers intertwining as we shared a silent promise of support and love.

As the night went on, we sat together, holding hands, and Sirius explained the full extent of what had happened. He shared the abuse he endured from his father, the reason he had been kicked out. Through it all, I listened, my heart breaking for him, but also filled with admiration for his strength.

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