someone to you

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Neville Longbottom imagine

Laughter echoed through the dimly lit Potions classroom as Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and I shared a lighthearted moment. Professor Snape's monotone lecture on dragon's blood faded into the background as our giggles filled the air.

My eyes wandered, and that's when I noticed Neville sitting a few tables away, his gaze fixed on me with a mix of admiration and shyness. A warmth spread through my chest, appreciating his genuine nature and the unwavering support he always offered me. Neville had been there for me through thick and thin, a true friend.

But our joyous atmosphere was shattered by Draco Malfoy's snide voice, cutting through the air like a knife. He sauntered over to Neville, his sneer unmistakable. "What's the matter, Longbottom?" he taunted. "Can't believe someone like Y/N would ever give you the time of day. She's way out of your league, mate."

Neville's face reddened, and his eyes dropped to the floor, wounded by Draco's hurtful words. Anger surged within me, fueling my determination to defend my friend. I couldn't stand by and let Draco's cruelty go unchecked.

"Draco Malfoy!" I exclaimed, my voice filled with a mix of anger and frustration. "How dare you mock Neville like that? You should be utterly ashamed of yourself!" My words hung in the air, drawing the attention of the entire class.

Draco's smug expression faltered for a moment, replaced by surprise. His feeble retort was cut short as I pointed my wand directly at him. "One more word, and I won't hesitate to hex you into oblivion!"

Fear flickered in Draco's eyes, his arrogance temporarily shattered. He scurried away, leaving a hushed silence in his wake. The classroom watched in awe of my boldness, astonished at the Gryffindor courage that blazed within me

As the Potions class came to an end, Neville and I made our way out of the classroom, hoping to leave Draco Malfoy's hurtful words behind. But fate had other plans. Just as we stepped into the sunlit courtyard, Malfoy appeared, a wicked grin etched on his face.

"Look who it is, Longbottom," Malfoy sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "Still dreaming of being with someone like Y/N? You're nothing more than a clumsy fool. She would never give you a second glance."

Neville's shoulders slumped, his confidence waning under Malfoy's relentless mockery. I couldn't stand idly by and let him be torn down again. Determination blazed within me, fueled by a mix of anger and love.

Walking up to Neville, I locked eyes with him, my voice filled with unwavering support. "Neville, listen to me. You are so much more than what Malfoy says. You're kind, brave, and you mean the world to me. Don't let his words define you."

Suddenly, an audacious idea sparked within me. I knew exactly how to show Malfoy just how wrong he was. Without another thought, I closed the distance between Neville and me, my hands gently cupping his face. Leaning in, I pressed my lips against his, pouring all my love and defiance into the kiss.

The world around us seemed to fade away as our lips moved in perfect harmony. It was a passionate and powerful embrace, a declaration of love and a defiance against the shallow judgments of others. In that moment, our connection spoke louder than any hurtful words.

As we kissed in the courtyard, a hush fell over the onlookers. Gasps of surprise and whispers filled the air, but we paid them no mind. This was about us, about proving that love could triumph over cruelty and appearances.

When we finally pulled away, our breaths mingling, I looked into Neville's eyes, my voice filled with conviction. "Neville, never doubt yourself because of someone like Malfoy. You are perfect just the way you are, and you are 100% my type."

A radiant smile spread across Neville's face, his eyes shining with newfound confidence. The weight of Malfoy's words lifted as he realized the truth in my affirmation. We stood there, hand in hand, united against the negativity that had haunted us.

Malfoy, stunned into silence, slinked away, his arrogance deflated. But we didn't give him a second thought. In that moment, we knew that our love was stronger than any hurtful words. Together, we walked away from the courtyard, hearts brimming with joy and determination.

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