you belong with me

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It was a typical Tuesday night at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The air was filled with excitement as students hurried through the corridors, preparing for their evening classes. I found myself caught in the middle of a complicated situation.

As I walked through the hallways, lost in my thoughts, I couldn't help but overhear Dean on the phone with his girlfriend, Ginny Weasley. He listened intently, trying to understand her perspective. Meanwhile, I stood in the common room, feeling a mix of emotions.

Dean and I had always been close friends, and over time, my feelings for him had grown deeper. I watched as his relationship with Ginny unfolded before my eyes, feeling a pang of jealousy but also a sense of understanding. I knew Dean in a way that Ginny couldn't comprehend.

In the room adjacent to the common room, I sat alone, listening to music that I knew Dean wouldn't appreciate. The lyrics echoed through my mind, reminding me of the connection I felt with him. I knew his story, his dreams, and his favorite songs, things Ginny couldn't grasp.

Ginny, with her cheerleader spirit and stylish attire, seemed like the perfect match for Dean. But I, who preferred comfort over glamour, felt that I belonged with him. I envisioned a future where Dean would realize that what he had been searching for was right in front of him all along.

I often found myself daydreaming about spending time with Dean, walking the streets together in our worn-out jeans. I imagined sitting on a park bench, laughing and enjoying each other's company. It all felt so natural, as if it were the way things were meant to be.

I couldn't help but notice that the smile that once lit up Dean's face had faded since he started dating Ginny. I understood him better than anyone else, and I knew he deserved someone who truly appreciated him. I wondered why Dean settled for a girl like Ginny, who seemed to bring him down.

Ginny, with her high heels and cheer captain status, represented everything I wasn't. I felt invisible compared to Ginny's popularity. Yet, deep down, I knew that I had a connection with Dean that couldn't be ignored.

As time went on, I found myself standing by Dean's side, waiting for an opportunity to reveal my feelings. I hoped that he would realize that I had been there all along, supporting him and understanding him in a way that Ginny couldn't.

Late one night, Dean drove to my house, seeking solace and comfort. I was the one who could make him laugh when he was on the verge of tears. I knew his favorite songs and listened intently as he shared his dreams. I believed that I knew where he truly belonged - with me.

But the unspoken feelings between us remained hidden. I longed for Dean to see that I was the one who truly understood him, who had been there throughout it all. I stood at his backdoor, metaphorically speaking, waiting for him to recognize the connection we shared.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, I couldn't help but wonder how Dean couldn't see what was right in front of him. I was there, patiently waiting, hoping that one day he would realize that he truly belonged with me.

And so, the story of unrequited love and unspoken feelings continued to unfold within the walls of Hogwarts. The question remained: Would Dean ever see that I was the one who truly belonged with him?

As the night of the Yule Ball approached, my heart was heavy with unspoken feelings for Dean. I couldn't bear the thought of watching him with Ginny, pretending that my heart wasn't aching. So, when he asked if I was attending, I couldn't bring myself to say yes.

The night of the ball arrived, and as I watched Dean and Ginny take their place on the dance floor, a pang of jealousy coursed through me. Ginny's revealing dress caught everyone's attention, but I knew her focus was elsewhere, drawn to Harry instead. It was painful to witness Dean's smile fade, as if he too sensed the superficiality of their connection.

And then, as if the universe had conspired to give me a glimmer of hope, the doors swung open, revealing me in my stunning dark red and orange gown-the embodiment of the fire burning within me. Whispers of admiration filled the air, but all I could see was Dean, his eyes locked with mine.

 Whispers of admiration filled the air, but all I could see was Dean, his eyes locked with mine

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In that moment, I felt a surge of courage. It was time for the unspoken to be spoken, for our hearts to find solace in each other's embrace. I made my way through the crowd, my steps guided by the certainty that this was our moment.

When I reached Dean's side, his gaze met mine with an intensity that took my breath away. And without a word, our unspoken connection found its voice. His hand gently cupped my face, and our lips met in a tender, passionate kiss.

Time seemed to stand still as we embraced, the world around us fading into insignificance. In that moment, all doubts and insecurities dissolved, replaced by the certainty that we were meant to be together.

When our lips finally parted, we were both breathless, our eyes locked in a shared understanding. "Y/N," Dean whispered, his voice filled with love and reverence. "I've been blind, but now I see. I don't love Ginny; I love you."

Tears of joy welled in my eyes as I nodded, unable to form words. The weight of unrequited love had lifted, replaced by the promise of a future where our hearts beat in harmony.

In the midst of the Yule Ball's enchantment, Dean and I found our way back to each other. Our unspoken connection had finally been spoken, our hearts laid bare. Hogwarts bore witness to a love story that defied expectations, reminding us that sometimes, the most extraordinary love can be found in the familiar embrace of a trusted friend.

And as we continued to dance the night away, our hearts entwined, I knew that our journey had only just begun. Together, we would navigate the twists and turns of love, fueled by the unbreakable bond that had always been there.

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