hey little girl

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Newt imagine

I sat on the edge of the wooden crate, the familiar burn of a cigarette in my hand. As the smoke curled upwards into the cool night air, Newt, my confidant in the Glade, approached me with genuine concern etched on his face.

"Don't you know smoking kills?" Newt's voice carried a gentle tone, filled with worry.

I took a long drag, savoring the momentary escape it provided. Exhaling slowly, I replied, "I do, Newt. But honestly, I don't care. It's the only thing that makes me feel alive amidst all this chaos."

A sigh escaped Newt's lips, his eyes betraying a profound sadness. "Y/N, you're falling apart. I can see the pain etched on your face. But hurting yourself won't heal the wounds within."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I nodded, the weight of my shattered heart becoming unbearable. "I know, Newt. I'm just lost. Everyone I've ever cared about has left me."

Newt's arms enveloped me, offering warmth and comfort. In that embrace, I found solace, a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that threatened to consume me.

A week passed, casting a shadow of tragedy upon the Glade. Newt succumbed to the Flare, the merciless disease that haunted our existence. My heart shattered once again, witnessing his laughter fade into painful coughs.

As Newt took his final breath, my world crumbled. The loss was unbearable, and I felt myself sinking into a void of despair. Consumed by grief, I sought refuge in self-inflicted pain, a futile attempt to escape the overwhelming emotions that plagued me.

Trapped in a cycle of anguish, I yearned for release, a chance to be reunited with Newt. The weight of my despair became too much to bear, and I succumbed to the darkness, my life tragically cut short, leaving behind a void in the hearts of those who had known me.

And then, as I crossed into the realm of the afterlife, a serene, ethereal landscape unfolded before my eyes. Standing there, amidst the beauty, was Newt. Overwhelmed with emotion, I ran towards him, throwing myself into his arms.

Our embrace held both sorrow and joy, as I whispered, my voice choked with tears, "Newt, I love you. I've always loved you."

Newt's eyes mirrored the pain and longing that resided within my own soul. Cupping my face in his hands, he whispered back, "Y/N, I love you too. You were my light in the darkness, and losing you shattered me."

In that moment, our lips met in a passionate kiss, our souls entwined. Bound by a love that surpassed life and death, we found solace in each other's arms, finally at peace in a realm where pain and heartbreak held no power.

Together, we embarked on a new chapter, our love transcending the boundaries of time and space. In this eternal embrace, we found solace, forever intertwined, forever in love.

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