sweet but phsyco

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Tom riddle imagine

In the dimly lit corridors of Hogwarts, I walked alongside my friends from Slytherin house. Despite the house's reputation, I had always believed in kindness and compassion, extending it even to my fellow Slytherins. They admired me for my genuine nature, unaware of the darkness that lurked within.

Little did I know, my acts of kindness had captured the attention of a certain dark and mysterious figure. Tom Riddle, a student with an enigmatic aura, had become intrigued by my presence. His gaze followed my every move, his eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and desire.

On a sunny afternoon, my boyfriend, Marcus, joined our group in the common room. As he approached, a mischievous thought crossed my mind. I playfully nibbled at his neck, my eyes gleaming with a newfound sense of darkness. I could feel Tom's eyes fixed upon us from the shadows, growing annoyed by my sudden change in demeanor.

As Marcus and I left the room, I felt a presence trailing behind us. Curiosity sparked within me, and I turned to notice Tom Riddle following us discreetly. Intrigued by his interest, I allowed him to observe, eager to reveal the complexity of my character.

To his astonishment, Tom witnessed a dark twist of fate. I led Marcus to a secluded spot and, with a wicked smirk on my face, I ended his life using dark magic. Tom's surprise turned into a twisted fascination. He found pleasure in witnessing my sinister side, drawn to the darkness that resided within me.

Embracing the newfound connection, I began to tease and provoke Tom, bringing out his inner desires. With each malicious remark and cold demeanor, I felt a surge of satisfaction. Tom reveled in my darkness, finding pleasure in my sharp tongue and twisted nature.

Our twisted dance of attraction reached its pinnacle as Tom leaned in, capturing my lips with a passionate kiss. In that moment, our shared darkness merged, fueling the intensity of our desires. We were entangled in a web of forbidden love, driven by our mutual enjoyment of the darkness that consumed us.

But as our desires grew, so did my yearning for more. I craved Tom's undivided attention, longing for a moment where we could explore the depths of our wicked desires in solitude. I proposed the idea, hoping he would agree to indulge me.

However, Tom, the master of control, saw through my manipulations. He sensed my desperation and refused to be ensnared fully in my web. My disappointment quickly transformed into anger, and I stormed away, leaving Tom to contemplate his next move.

Unwilling to let me slip away, Tom followed me as I ventured through the castle. Hidden in the shadows, he observed as two boys approached me, attempting to flirt. My rage flared, and with a wave of my wand, I swiftly hexed them, relishing in their pain and regret.

In that moment, something shifted within Tom. He witnessed the ferocity and power I possessed, and it both frightened and enticed him. He approached me, his eyes burning with newfound determination. Grabbing my arm, he whispered in my ear, revealing that he had changed his mind.

Without hesitation, Tom led me to his dorm, a place steeped in secrets and darkness. As we crossed the threshold, the shadows embraced us, sealing our fates in a dance of twisted desires and forbidden love.

And so, the path of Tom Riddle and I intertwined, our connection becoming a tapestry woven with darkness and pleasure. We delved deeper into the depths of our shared wickedness, forever bound by our sinister desires.

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