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Nicks POV

"Mom is it ok if Michelle comes over soon" I yell from my room hoping she heard. Not too long after I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. My door opens revealing my mom, Mariah.

"Sweetie are you sure Michelle is the right girl for you?" My mom brings up this topic again. I don't understand why she doesn't fully like Michelle, yea she has her moments but who doesn't.

"Mom..not this again. At least not now." I sigh. I love my mom and I understand she's concerned, but I'm getting tired of having this conversation with her over and over again, even though I have a feeling she's right. "..ok then, sure she can come over."


"Hey babe" Michelle kisses me before she comes inside. She says hi to my mom,dad and little brother and we go upstairs to my room.

She signs then plopped on my bed spreading her arms out. "Everything good?" I ask her.

"Novah lashed out at me yesterday for no reason" She sits up covering her face.

"For no reason?"

"Yea she was just calling me untrustworthy and a terrible friend for no reason and then kicked me out of her place." The doesn't sound like Novah. Lashing out for no reason? Kicking her out? Calling her a bad friend. Something's not adding up.

Tears started to brim her eyes being close to falling. I fall right beside her and wrap my arms around her trying my best to comfort her.

Michelle and I have been dating for half a year now, and it's been good. Nothing outstanding but it hasn't been terrible. She's nice and beautiful but sometimes she says things that aren't meant to be of joking matter and can't tell the right time to say certain things which has been an issue in the past, and also I can't tell if she likes to pick fights with me for fun.Don't get me wrong I love her a lot. It's just I can't help but think that this isn't gonna last forever.

The first couple of months were our honeymoon faze. Everything was perfect and it seemed like nothing could ruin what we had, but now it's rocky. We argue over the littlest things. 4 days ago we had an argument because she thought we didn't see each other enough and that she needs physical assurance.

"How about we call her up and get an explanation and clear the air." I suggest still comforting her as she's sobbing in my arms. She hiccups before muttering a small "ok"


We decided to meet up at a nearby park and it was only suppose to be Michelle, Novah and I, but I see Valen and Paulina right beside Novah coming towards our direction.

"Ok What the hell is going on between you too."

Novah scoffs, "Ask your lovely girlfriend Nick. You know what no. I'm not gonna give her a chance to lie her way out of it especially since I'd rather be in the comfort of my own home. Yes I called her untrustworthy, but that's because she is. Even if I haven't told her everything she knows well enough that's I'm not alright mentally. I'm sure all of you if not most of you know. So to hear her make fun of things I struggle with doesn't exactly make me wanna invite her over to a tea party and spill all my little secrets. How do you expect me to be comfortable and trust someone who makes fun of people who struggle mentally. So before you get ready to fight her battle, make sure you're actually on the right side Nick."

I really want to believe that Novah isn't telling the truth and that it's all a lie, but I know Michelle and I know she can take things too far without realizing it.

"It was a joke oh my gosh. You're doing all of this over a joke." Michelle exclaims.

"A joke right..just a funny little joke huh. You wanna know where I really went winter break. I went to a mental institution for what you joked about. The thing you thought was so hilarious that you just had to share your negative opinion on almost ended my life.  You think that's funny Michelle, you wanna chuckle maybe giggle about it go ahead I won't be surprised."

I didn't know Novah was in such a bad place. I feel like a terrible friend for not noticing and helping her.. she could've..

"Look as much as I'd love to stay here with all of you and trauma dump. I'm tired so im going back home."

She turns around and leaves Valen and Paulina following after.

Michelle's head position to the ground not saying a word.

"Michelle what the fuck"

Her head props up to look at me. "You know how many times We've argued and talked about watching the things you say. I'm not the closest to Novah, but I know you guys were definitely close so unless you were honestly a shitty friend then I'm sure you've noticed something was up. So the fact that you still thought it was a good idea to say all that shit in front of her baffles me, not even just in front her saying any of that shit in general is just crazy."

"I didn't know she'd react like this." She coughs out with tears threatening to spill.

"That doesn't justify what you say Michelle, and the fact that you can't see that you're in the wrong just makes it worse. Look Michelle you're a good person most times, but this... us..isn't working. You just hurt one of our closest friends and gossiped about another girl that's battling with self harm. I don't think that's someone I want to have a future with.

"..are you breaking up with me right now." A look of sadness flashes across her face. "We aren't right for each other Michelle. You need to focus and work on yourself. I'm doing this for both of us.

"..." She turns around and walks away not saying another word.


I get home shortly after and go straight upstairs slamming my doors and falling straight on my bed.

What the fuck just happened.  *Knock Knock*

"Come in" My door creeps open slowly to reveal my mom. "Is everything ok sweetie" She walks over to me sitting me beside me.

"Yea mom..everything's fine" My voice cracks a bit. Something about that question that makes me want to break down. "I'm a mother Nickolas, I know when one of my kids aren't okay. Talk to me."

I instantly break down. "One of close friends wasn't doing well mentally and was suffering alone right in front of my eyes. What if she ended up committing suicide. I'd just torture myself for not being able to pick up on it sooner and I'd blame myself for not helping... mom we hang out almost everyday and I couldn't tell. I couldn't tell she was hurting so much." I cry into my mom's sweater and she holds me tight.

"You're human. You can't beat yourself up for not noticing especially when someone doesn't want you to find out, but now that you know you can do your best at being the best freaking friend she's ever had ok baby."

We spent the rest of the night watching our comfort show F.r.i.e.n.d.s and eating junk.

Thank you guys for reading this chapter. Do u guys like the POV change to Nick??? Would you like to have more chapters in his pov?????. How are y'all feeling about Michelle and Nicks break up 😥🙏🏾🙏🏾 See you guys in the Next chapter!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27 ⏰

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