Chapter 4 Very Fine Indeed

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Chapter 4
Very Fine Indeed

Well that went as best as it could go.

At the very least I have free time now, I can finally make my equipment.

Now you may ask I had months to do this why didn't I do it immediately, well having no money slowed things down and having a quirk like this is something that should be kept a secret.

The value of my quirk in my knowledge is immeasurable.

Quirks are common, quirk animals are rare practically 1 in 5000 and quirk objects? Simply unheard off.

Big B is a nice man but I'm not idiotic enough to show my cards and as things look, my cards seems like the winning hand.

The ability to turn every day object into literal super weapons is simply to valuable.

A skilled individual with a weak quirk can barely stand up to a very powerful quirk. There is simply too much of a difference in sheer power, sure they might win but not before being severely injured in return.

That is where I come in.

If I provided the skilled individual an object that fits them, the chance of them win will skyrocket. And I'd rather not become a living weapon factory for anybody.

I've got a life to live.

Now here's what I got:

Plain White mask
Printed contract
Combat knife
Gray hoodie
New shoes

Could do more but for the time being, this is enough. Checking the time to accurately see how long it would take to use this part of my ability.

5:09 pm

Time to test Very Fine. Why I haven't tried it yet? accidentally making a god right now isn't high on my list of priorities.

"*Deep breath**clap*I can do this. After all no time like the present"

"Very Fine"

As I was touching the mask, energy seemed too leek out of palms. When it reach contact the world around me disappeared into an empty void leaving me and the mask only.

Reacting like any normal and sane person would I panicked.

I would have released my bowels if I didn't do it earlier.

It's like those movies about astronauts in space. A where the man can barely move and that is how it feels to use Very Fine.

I don't need to go to space, just using my quirk is enough.

But back to the main point.

From what I know of my abilities, to use it I need to have an idea of what it can do or it will be random so what makes Very Fine any different.

"Time to experiment"

Muttering to myself as I change the shape of the object with my mind. In my professional opinion.

It was very cool.

Changing in to something small as a grain of sand to something twice as big as me.

"Huh, so that is the size limit. I am 5'9 and in centimetres that would be about...... 176 no 175.26 cm"

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