Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Jack P.O.V.

Hmm I wonder...

Nick raised a good point and from the document of 914, it can upgrade living beings.

Can I upgrade myself?

Should I upgrade myself?

Do I need to upgrade myself?

Well, there is time for next year but for now it is time to deal with Waller.

And speak of the devil and here she comes!

A moderately overweight black woman with a very large afro in a suit with a pissed of look on her face. Wow, I don't remember Waller having that big of an afro.

Ananke, can you check my mind real quick?

:None, this is either her choice of hairstyle, or related to her quirk. I am leaning on the former: a feminine yet familiar voice echoed in my head and unknown to me that if a person look at my mask from a far, the glowing neon blue orbs in my mask started to take a blob like shape before returning to normal.

Thank you Ananke!

:You are welcome:

"Waller! It is finally nice to meet your acquaintance. I heard a lot of things about you"

"Cut the crap artificer, what the hell did you give me?"  She said with a angry look on her eye and clench fist.

"No need to raise you voice, we're in doors. Anyway you are not at all rocking the afro, but take my opinion with a grain of salt, I just Do-"

"Continue one more word of that sentence and I will rain down a hail of lead on you"

"-nt like afros in general. So tell me, what's the problem with the godstorm spear?"

"YOUR spear made one of my men that carried the spear turn into a horrible rendition of the weird little shit obsessed with the ring from the lord of the rings so tell me what the hell did you give me?" The overweight woman sat on a stool in front of me and folded her arms.

"How do you know he or she didn't betray you?" Curios. Perhaps this is similar to what happened with Kronos.

"The man ripped out his own arm and another's throat out to try and get that damn thing. Does that sound like something a sane man would do?"

"Honestly, you can never be to sure this day. And as for the spear ask Fury and I am pretty sure he would be delighted to share some info with you" Saying that with a cheeky grin. Damn I really wished to take off Ananke right now.

"Cut the crap! Your observant to know enough that I hate that fucker's guts" Waller growled at the mention of Fury even if his name wasn't even mentioned.

"No need to use any nasty language here. we are civilized people who are having a civilized talk, Aren't we?"

Waller sighed as she closed her eyes and touch the bridge of her nose before turning to me

"*Sigh* We will leave that for another day, but for now your country is calling your service"

"Not interested" another recruitment offer, when will they learn that it will take a god to change my mind and even then it still not guaranteed.

"You don't have a choice, I have 2 warpers teleporting my soldiers all around the town the moment I click this button *click*" Waller grinned and continued.

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