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♡ this fic was commissioned by anon ♡

♡ this fic was commissioned by anon ♡

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Jungkook smacks his lips obnoxiously with a grimace on his face, his eyebrows raised as he chews at his banana and stares down at his laptop. It's not looking good. At all.

"They've got this guy running for a political position?" He scans over the article, peeling his eyes away from the handsome face on the screen and becoming even more appalled by the idea as he reads. "A young alpha with good looks like this is running for the president's secretary? Really?"

Curious at Jungkook's sudden outburst, his best friend Jimin peeks over from his own laptop and cocks an eyebrow as he glances at the article as well.

"And you care about politics... why?"

Jungkook rolls his eyes. "I'm a journalist, hyung. I have to care about the dust on the bottom of the president's shoes and Taylor Swift's cat's nail type. It's not easy being so observant about these things, you know. But it's a must!" He turns his laptop to show his omega friend what's on the screen. "This man right here is running for secretary. He's obviously going to win the election. Have you seen the other candidates?"

Jimin shrugs as he goes back to typing on his laptop, clearly not as invested as Jungkook is.

"All I'm saying is that if this guy uses his alpha-hot-charms on everyone, I'm definitely going to call him and the people of our country out on it." He shrugs as well. "I'm sure I won't be the only one seeing right through some bull. Pretty privilege should be called out!"

He clicks on the article and Jimin just shakes his head slowly, finding his best friend unbelievable.

"Why can't you just write normal articles?" Jimin questions him. "Like the popularity of Disney movies or maybe you could just interview some firefighters or something."

Jungkook shakes his head as he looks through the politics column of today's events. The internet gives him certain bullet points of information on this Kim Seokjin guy. So far Jungkook has learned that he's classified as the smart, handsome, and charming candidate for secretary. He's already a member of the Moon and Stars Party, so he's likely to get plenty of votes on this.

Jungkook hums as he eyes the alpha through the screen.

He reads some more information on the man and watches a few clips of him as well, chewing harshly on his banana the more he speaks through the screen.

"I am Secretary Alpha Kim Seokjin and I plan to make the world a better place."

He winks at the camera and Jungkook finches a little. It's not even his words that throw Jungkook off– not in this clip, at least. It's just the way he smirks confidently at the camera and winks at it as if he's on some sort of music show or something. He's definitely using charm to win his way through this.

The worst part about it is that the citizens won't be the ones voting on this election. It'll be the opinions of staff and members of the government that will get him his vote. Of course, he's probably talking them up and buttering them up so he can win easily.

But Jungkook won't have it.

"I'm gonna write an article about him," he declares to Jimin, "and I'm gonna title it Pretty Privilege."

Jimin plants his face into his tiny hand, shaking his head in disappointment. Jungkook ignores him and opens up a brand new document to begin his article.


"Your ass is all over Twitter right now."

Seokjin furrows his eyebrows together. It's only been twenty minutes since he arrived at his beta friend's house and he's already giving him news. Hoseok is always on his phone and always checking out social media, which is good for Seokjin at certain times, but at times like this, it becomes annoying.

"What are you talking about?" he asks as he turns away from the stove. He's currently making them some noodles for lunch. Hoseok walks up to him and shows him his phone.


The alpha reads over the bright phone screen, scoffing before he even finishes reading over the title.

Pretty Privilege: Secretary Kim Seokjin

"What the hell is this about?" He takes Hoseok's phone from him and begins reading the article written by whoever the hell Jeon Jungkook guy is.

"Some journalist wrote about you using 'pretty privilege' for your election. He says you're using your handsomeness and the fact that you're an alpha to win." Hoseok points at one of the sentences that Seokjin hasn't read over yet. "See, he even quoted you, 'I'm a hardworking alpha.' Some citizens don't like that you said that."

Seokjin sets the phone down after he finishes reading the article. It's ridiculous. All he was doing was stating facts, not using it to win the election.

"What? The people of our country don't want someone with natural leadership qualities being in a higher up position?"

Hoseok hums as he scans over Tweets and replies to the article. "The guy who wrote this article is kind of reaching, honestly. I'm no politician, but if you win the election then it's for a good reason and not just your pretty face or subgender." He giggles. "Don't worry about it, hyung. Whatever this person writes doesn't affect your votes."

"But what if they do?" Seokjin questions in a whisper as he begins fixing their bowls of noodles. Hoseok pats his shoulder reassuringly.

"I'm not sure, hyung. You say you have a really good chance at being elected. Why don't you just let fate do its thing?"

Those words replay in Seokjin's head as he gives the beta his lunch. They replay even as they watch TV together. Even after he leaves Hoseok's house and all there's left to do is go home. The entire drive back to his home, he thinks about fate.

Sometimes fate can be altered.

He can either let it go or prove himself worthy to all of the people in which this Jeon Jungkook guy has against him now.

When he gets home and slips his shoes off, he goes straight to his office and turns his computer on. He settles down into his desk chair and then types in Twitter— the only place he knows to get his voice out there and the very place where all the talk about him is happening.

He begins typing a new Tweet:

I don't need pretty privilege or being an alpha to prove my worth for this position.

He posts it and then shudders as he watches the amount of likes and replies coming in. It's quick, but he ignores it and instead types into the Twitter search bar: Jeon Jungkook.

Jungkook has a picture of himself as his profile photo and in his bio, he states that he's a twenty-seven year old omega journalist. Seokjin scoffs as he sees the omega's most recent Tweet. It's the article that he'd posted earlier today and it has a couple thousand likes already.

He scrolls up to leave the profile, refreshing the page by accident, and a new Tweet pops up in the place of the article one. Seokjin squints as he reads the post.

Prove yourself. I'm waiting, Alpha.

The omega seems sarcastic, almost like he's downplaying Seokjin. Like he's testing his worth. And for some reason, it bothers Seokjin. For some reason, he does want to prove his worth to this random journalist.


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