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For some reason, Jungkook chose a restaurant that serves fried chicken. Seokjin had texted him and offered to go to a nice restaurant, but the omega got feisty and demanded chicken because that's what he wanted and Seokjin decided not to argue.

That's how he ends up driving up to the small building that Jungkook sent him the address of. He realizes that he's dressed too formally in his suit and tie, but that's just what he normally has to wear so it felt right.

He parks his car and immediately undoes his tie and slips his blazer off, leaving him in his light blue button-up. He tidies up in the small mirror and straightens out his sleeves before stepping out and heading into the restaurant.

The building is small, so his eyes automatically meet Jeon Jungkook's upon walking in. Jungkook must've been waiting for him. He's only ten minutes late, though. He can't help traffic.

When he walks up to the small wooden table Jungkook is sitting at, he instantly notices two things.

First, he notices that Jungkook's hair is different. It still has little waves in it, but he's got short bangs and a small mullet-like hairstyle going on. It brings out the round shape of his face, brings out his wide eyes, and his ears, which the hair is tucked behind.

The second thing he notices is the scent. The scent of coconut, which is not what Seokjin recalls being so strong over his cherry blossom scent, but it's somehow even more alluring. It brings Seokjin into a daze as he steps up, making him forget to greet the omega for a second until Jungkook speaks to him.

"Are you gonna sit?"

Seokjin blinks back into reality and once he realizes he's just standing there like a big dummy alpha, he pulls out the chair across from Jungkook's– he's sitting at a four-seater table.

"Yes," says Seokjin, way more proper and formal than Jungkook as he speaks. He sits in the chair with a straight posture, looking right at the omega. "Are you going to tell me the reason you–" Seokjin is cut off as a waiter comes up to the table and sets down a plate of fried chicken, tells them to enjoy it, and then walks off. "Anyways. What did you want to say that was so important? This isn't a trap, is it?"

Jungkook immediately digs into the food, so Seokjin slowly follows. The chicken looks greasy and not really appealing, but it'll do. He sometimes skips dinner anyways, so at least he's eating even if it isn't healthy.

"Let's just eat for now," Jungkook says.

But the silence only allows Seokjin to glance up at Jungkook every few seconds, watching as he eats like he never has in his life. He's glowing– literally glowing– as he chomps down happily onto his chicken. Seokjin wonders if it's his favorite food or something.

The silence becomes too much after a while.

He wipes his hands off and sits up straighter again.

"You're too quiet," he mutters. "That's a first."

Jungkook peeks up at him from where he's hovering over his plate, a chicken leg in his hand as he chews. He slowly sets the chicken down and then wipes his hands off as well.

He takes his time as he gets himself ready to begin their conversation, taking a few sips of his drink and situating his shoulders more comfortably in the chair.

For a split second, Seokjin can sense the anxiety in the omega's scent, just like the day on the talk show.

"I saw you won the election," he says with the slightest voice crack as if it physically pains him to say it. Seokjin props his elbow up on the table and sets his chin on his palm.

Cherry Blossoms and Syrup | Jinkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now