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Seokjin wakes up to the familiar ringing of his phone. There's a warmth beside him that his brain doesn't really recognize straight away. He's not even half awake when he slides out from underneath the bed sheets and he's utterly confused as he follows the sound of his phone.

It leads him to the floor.

His pants are on the floor.

His half awake state immediately gets zapped and suddenly he's never been more awake in his life. He realizes many things that make his head go dizzy. First of all, his pants are in the middle of the floor. He's completely naked, not even in his underwear. There's unfamiliar clothes lying next to his and there's a sweet cherry blossom and coconut scent lingering with his own scent.

He turns back to the bed as he begins to remember exactly what he did last night. He did Jeon Jungkook.

Oh, no.

Seokjin is a politician. He needs to keep his shit together and not go having sex with random people– not even random people, but Jeon Jungkook. The guy who constantly criticizes him for no good reason. Why the hell did he sleep with him of all people?

He knows why. His wolf.

He needs to get out of here. Now.

So, he gathers his clothes and puts them on quickly. He texts whoever was calling him that he'll call back shortly and then he takes one last glance at the sleeping omega who's curled up into his bed. He's sleeping peacefully.

He's sleeping well.

Seokjin hopes this is the last time he'll ever catch himself slipping up like this.


Slowly, Jungkook flutters his eyes open and as usual when he wakes up, he raises his arms to stretch. But as he stretches, there's a sharp pain in his back which causes him to wince and jolt completely awake.

He frowns to himself as he reaches for his back and rubs the ache away, but as he does, images from last night flash into his mind and his eyes widen. Looking next to him on the bed, he realizes very quickly that it is cold and empty, but the blankets are moved as if someone– Kim Seokjin to be exact– had gotten up and left him there.

Which he did. He left.

And it's fine. It's whatever. Jungkook honestly expected no less from yet another alpha. All they ever do is leave at their convenience. It's cool. All good.

Seokjin sucks for leaving.

It's whatever.

Jungkook checks the time and sighs as he realizes he only has two more hours until he has to check out of the hotel. He decides to worry about leaving when the time comes. Another hour in bed won't hurt— especially not with the soreness in his back which he unfortunately has to drive home with.

Damn alpha.

Damn Kim Seokjin.


Jungkook gets paid well for going on Kai's talk show. It's a relief, honestly. His friends asked him all about the trip and the talk show experience. He told them everything except one minor detail. Sleeping with Kim Seokjin. They don't know about that.

But he does tell them the amount he'll be getting paid in 30 to 60 days, according to the email. Seokjin probably got paid more money considering they were practically begging the two of them to be on the show and Seokjin is far more well-known than Jungkook. Still, money is money. And whenever it comes in, Jungkook plans to take his two best friends out to eat.


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