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Jungkook smiles sheepishly as Jimin and Taehyung give him the look.

"I thought you were done causing drama ever since the whole thing with that one awful rapper you wrote about."

Taehyung nudges Jimin with his elbow. "Hey, you can't speak, you were there when he wrote this article." The beta sighs as he pushes a pouty Jimin away from his side. "Jungkookie, this isn't just some celebrity you wrote about. Kim Seokjin is a politician!"

"I know," Jungkook mumbles under his breath. "But you should've seen the clips I saw, hyung. He was winking at the camera and talking about how he'll be a good alpha or whatever the fuck. This is politics, not wolf packs!"

Jimin facepalms. "Yeah, Koo, he's a member of the Moon and Stars Party."

"So? I'm a journalist."

Now, Jimin groans. "No, you dummy, he- You know what? I'm just gonna let you do your thing." Jungkook smiles to himself and Taehyung's eyes widen.

"Um, no, please elaborate on whatever you were going to say."

Jimin shrugs. "Nah, I'm good. Wanna go get some food now?"

Jungkook hops up from the couch in excitement. "Yes! God, I'm starving." He grabs ahold of Taehyung's wrist and drags him along with him and Jimin, but Taehyung just whines and says something about Jungkook risking his job. Jungkook doesn't listen.

They take a bus to their same old barbeque restaurant a few blocks down the road and Jungkook couldn't be more excited. It's been a minute since they all hung out because Taehyung had been working overtime, but now he's settled down and they can see each other more often again.

Just as they're coming up to their stop, Jungkook checks his phone and gets a little curious as he sees that Kim Seokjin is trending on Twitter. He looks through the Tweets and hums to himself as he sees that he's made another speech at some random government event that Jungkook had no clue about.

He watches a clip of the speech and notices the way Jimin rolls his eyes out of the corner of his eye. He ignores it and instead watches as the handsome alpha begins talking. He talks for a bit, but one sentence in particular really sticks out to Jungkook.

"I believe that my fate is to protect my country, alpha or not."

Jungkook snorts to himself and immediately backs out of the clip so he can Tweet something in response– indirectly, of course:

That's not what you were saying before, Alpha.

Taehyung looks up from his own phone and his eyes scan over Jungkook, who's still looking down at his fresh Tweet.

"What is it this time?" Taehyung asks. Jungkook tilts his head, but then realizes the beta is holding his phone up, showing Jungkook his very own Tweet. He lets out a nervous laugh and Taehyung shakes his head. "You just can't help yourself, can you?"

"Maybe if I had a strong alpha like Kim Seokjin to keep me on my leash, I'd be able to keep my mouth shut."

Jimin hums low in disapproval. "Now it just sounds like you hate all alphas."

Jungkook shakes his head. "Nope," he says with a big smile. "I just like to call out one alpha in particular."

"Sure." Jimin doesn't look at him now, watching and waiting as the bus begins to stop. "You know, not all pretty alphas are monsters, Koo."

Those words feel like a warm, heavy slap to Jungkook's face. He scrunches his nose and pushes away the thought.

"It's not about that, hyung." He whispers this to himself, but Jimin and Taehyung are already standing up to get off the bus and he knows nobody heard him.

It's whatever.


After a long day at work and social interactions that Seokjin deems as the worst part of his job, the alpha settles down onto the hardwood floor of his living room. He rests his back against his couch and digs into the takeout food sitting out on his coffee table.

He watches a movie, finishing his meal by the end of it, and he stretches as the end credits come on. His back pops as he stands up and stretches more just so he can plop onto his comfortable couch and sink into the nice cushions.

He loves the way he lives. Every day is a good day knowing he can come back home, eat, rest, enjoy the bright sun setting through the windows of his nice little home, and he can sleep with a smile on his face as he curls up into the familiar scent of his bed– like syrupy sweet oak wood and a slight twinge of wine. Home is precious to him.

Seokjin smiles to himself as he turns on his phone and responds to messages and scrolls through social media.

Out of pure curiosity, he goes to the search bar on Twitter again and comes face-to-face with the same profile picture of that omega journalist. The profile is still in his recently searched suggestion which is annoying, but Seokjin went to the search bar for a reason. He clicks on the profile once again with no hesitation.

His most recent Tweet is a photo of dinner which he ate today. It looks delicious and Seokjin doesn't want to get hungry again even though he already just ate, so he scrolls past the photo. A new Tweet is below it:

That's not what you were saying before, Alpha.

He squints, unsure of what the journalist is referring to, so he clicks on it to see the replies. Of course, the replies are about him. Some people are confused, some agree with Jungkook, and some are defending Seokjin. It's quite the mess that this journalist has caused for absolutely no reason at all. Seokjin wonders if it was worth it. Wonders how much he got paid off of that article.

This time when Seokjin Tweets, it's a personal call out to Jeon Jungkook:

Say something to my face and allow me to defend myself, at least. Or are you afraid I'll use my "charm" on you too?

Not even two minutes later, Jeon Jungkook quotes his Tweet directly:

Your charm would never work on me.

Seokjin scoffs and laughs at a few replies saying otherwise, saying that Seokjin is hot and even calling Jungkook a liar because "One look from him and I'd fold," or "Be honest, the man's gorgeous."

He turns his phone off and gets up to go take a shower and get ready for bed. If he thinks about the journalist for longer than he should, he doesn't question it. He definitely doesn't question whether his charm would work on the omega or not. Definitely doesn't let the omega's words get to him.

It was just a joke on his end anyways.

It doesn't matter.


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