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To say Jungkook is surprised would be quite the understatement.

He checked his emails today just like he does constantly– it's a part of his job– and there's one that stuck out to him. An email from Kai's studio. One of the most popular talk shows in Korea.

Why would they email Jungkook?

He quickly opens the email and his mouth falls open, jaw loose as he continues reading the invitation to be on Kai's show. Normally, Jungkook is the one who does interviews with people, not the other way around.

But there's a reason, however.

Kim Seokjin.

He and the politician have been at each other's throats back and forth for the past few weeks. It's no surprise that the talk show wants to stick the landing of having their first meeting together on their show. And frankly, Jungkook sees the hype. They've trended over social media multiple times now and the show would get good money if they had them as guests.

But would Kim Seokjin even want to do this? It would be publicity, at least. And it would give him the chance to not only call out Jungkook in person, but "defend" himself as well.

Jungkook chuckles as he thinks about how funny it would be to also call out Seokjin in person. He responds to the email, accepting the offer with absolutely no thought process other than how thrilling it'll be to meet this guy and be on Kai's talk show.

It'll be fun, he thinks.


Seokjin puts on a very animated frown as he checks his emails. Some popular talk show invited him to be on their show to talk about Jeon–

He squints at his computer screen, caught off guard by the name.

Jeon Jungkook?

They're inviting him and Jeon Jungkook onto the show?

At first, he thought they were just inviting him to talk about political stuff, but no. They're inviting him specifically because they want to hear about the drama. Seokjin begins to click out of the email and delete it out of pure agitation, but then he stops and wonders.

What if Jungkook agrees to go?

Opening the email once more, Seokjin grumbles to himself. The chance is here, it's evident, and it's calling out to him. This is his chance to redeem himself and make the journalist look like a fool for ever coming onto him for no reason in the first place.

Not only that, but deep down, his wolf really wants to go.

Seokjin sighs.


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