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It's autumn now.

The summer breeze has started to get cooler, sifting through the turning leaves and making them fall. Variations of oranges, browns, yellows, and reds color areas across the city and even the sky becomes slightly dull. Seokjin likes the breeze. Likes the perfect weather. Likes how the birds chirp happily.

He works easier now that the hot summer is cooling away slowly.

But he's busier than ever, though. Ever since he got elected as the President's Private Secretary, he's been moving offices and taking orders on what exactly he should be doing in the future. Everything feels right, though. Life has given him an important role that he plans to take seriously.

So, whenever he gets an unexpected call request from Jeon Jungkook, he cocks an eyebrow and huffs, slightly irritated to see that name once again. He always pops up just to criticize him, but he's still going on even after Seokjin's election? Seriously?

Despite not having to, he still answers the call and sighs into the phone.

"How did you get to me?" is the first thing he asks, not letting the omega speak first. "You must've worked damn hard to get through the staff to call my office."

He practically hears Jungkook scoff. "Don't think so highly of yourself," says the omega, making Seokjin pout in frustration. "It was easy. I just told them you asked me to call for an interview we scheduled."

Seokjin facepalms as he thinks about the staff just listening to some random journalist. They definitely did not schedule an interview. "What do you want, omega? Why are you calling me? I hope it's to congratulate me, you know."

"In your dreams." There's a shuffling noise on the other side of the phone. Perhaps Jungkook is getting more comfortable because he sighs out slowly. "I do need you to meet me, though. I have a few things I'd like to say to you."

"Say to me? Can't you do it over the phone?" Seokjin asks. He looks around at the mess on his desk that he should definitely be organizing rather than chit-chatting with this guy. Still, he does. "What do you want to say?"

Again, Jungkook sighs. "I just wanna make up for everything."

"Well, I'm. busy."

It's true. He's got organizing, paperwork, and meetings to tend to. He really doesn't have time for apologies and making up. Not right now.

"Seokjin-ssi," Jungkook breathes out through the phone. His voice sounds smaller than Seokjin has ever heard it before. "Please?" He begs and he sounds a bit hopeful, like he genuinely wants to see and talk to Seokjin.

And Seokjin is the President's Secretary now. He really, seriously doesn't have time for things like this.

But 'please' is the only reason why Seokjin inhales deeply, then lets it go.

"Fine." He agrees only because Jungkook finally asked nicely. "But my schedule is packed, so it'll have to be on the 21st."

"That's great," Jungkook says with what Seokjin assumes is a small smile. He doesn't understand why Jungkook wants to make up all of a sudden. It sounds like a setup. "Could you come to Busan?"

Quickly, Seokjin calculates how long a trip to Busan would take. Just a few hours from Seoul. "Yes. Just– I'll text you on my personal phone, okay? I have to go. Work is kicking my ass this week."

Jungkook agrees, letting him go. Seokjin wants to rip his hair out after Jungkook hangs up and he's left to stare at the mess on his desk. He has to clean all of this immediately or else he'll go insane.

But a little part of him is slightly at ease after his conversation with Jungkook. It's annoying, but it's his wolf and he can't stop the feeling. He can't stop his wolf from buzzing happily. He can't stop himself from remembering the last time he'd seen the omega and wonder if Jungkook's wolf feels the same buzz.

He brushes off his thoughts and feelings and instead gets to work.


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