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When the money finally comes in, Jungkook had nearly forgotten all about it. It went through such a process of signatures and other people just so they could allow him to have it– all because the money was something involved with a politician. Ridiculous.

It took almost two months just for a little cash. Jungkook rolls his eyes once he sees the check in his hand, but he immediately goes to get it cashed out so he can take his friends on a promised dinner night.

He calls them both on video chat.

Taehyung answers first, then Jimin.

"Hyungs~" he sings happily as his two friends question why he's calling. He smiles wide as he holds up money. "I finally got paid from the talk show! Are you guys free tonight?"

Jimin looks surprised and Taehyung cheers, "Hell yeah! We're going to our usual place right? The BBQ restaurant?"

For the first time ever in his life, Jungkook frowns thinking about the same old barbecue restaurant that they always go to. Something about it seems... meh.

"Um. I don't want to eat there."

Taehyung's mouth falls open and Jimin looks even more surprised now.

"What?" Jimin questions, totally in awe. Taehyung also questions him.

"Since when do you say no to your favorite restaurant?" Taehyung eyes his phone as Jungkook shrugs.

"I just don't really want barbecue," he chuckles, and now that it's on his mind, he distinctly recalls the smell of barbecue and it runs a shiver through his bones, making him almost feel nauseous in a way. His scent spikes horribly. "I think I'm growing tired of that place," he confesses.

His friends gasp, but he just laughs it off and rolls his eyes.

"Let's go get some chicken," he says instead. He's craving it right now. "Or maybe we can just go to a buffet..?"

"Yes," Jimin says and Taehyung agrees shortly after, happy to at least have some meat. So, that's what they do. They go to a nice buffet that night and Jungkook is happier than ever to have his savory chicken.


"Well, would you look at that?" Jungkook chuckles amusedly as he looks at the TV screen where Kim Seokjin is officially being announced as the winner of his election. He is now Secretary of South Korea's President. "Who would've thought."

Jimin from beside him giggles. "You still care even after all this time?"

"It's hardly been any time at all, honestly. He's still a salty alpha."

Now, Jimin rolls his eyes, but he gets distracted and leans over the sofa a little bit and Jungkook looks at him like he's crazy as he begins sniffing the air.

"What're you doing?"

Right as Jungkook asks this, Taehyung walks back from the kitchen with one of Jungkook's bananas in his hand, peeling it before asking, "Yeah, what in the world are you sniffing like a dog for?"

Again, Jimin rolls his eyes at his friends. He sits back in his spot comfortably. "I don't know. Your coconut scent is a lot stronger than usual. Is your heat soon or something?"

Jungkook shakes his head and Jimin looks up at Taehyung, but then brushes the beta off, deeming him as no help to the situation.

"Why is your scent like that then?"

He thinks about it for a moment. His heat isn't soon because he only has them about twice a year– his last one was months ago so it could be possible, but he usually has his next one in late winter and it's only autumn now.

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