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The talk show is in Seoul, so Jungkook has to pack his bag for a day trip. He packs more than he probably should, but he wants to be extra safe, plus he has a lot of vitamins, health, and beauty products that he doesn't want to miss a day of using.

He packs the new outfit he bought just to wear for the show, some casual clothes, and his most comfortable pair of pajamas. And he can't forget his laptop and all the chargers, including his phone and laptop, and even a portable charger because he plans to explore Seoul while he's there.

When morning comes, Jungkook leaves Busan in his car. The bus will be too awkward to ride with his baggage, so he takes his car instead. Plus, he gets to play his favorite music on full blast, so that's cool.

It takes no time before he arrives in the big city. It's honestly nothing new to him because he's been here countless times, but he still loves the feeling of arrival as he comes rolling in with his GPS leading him to the hotel that the studio paid and arranged for him to stay at.

When he gets to the hotel, he gapes up at it. It's a tall building, very slick with a shiny exterior, and the inside is just as pretty with all modern interior and decoration– it's gorgeous. He's staying here for free.

But the show starts this evening and if he wants to explore, he needs to hurry and go do that. So that he does. He is pleased to see the size of his room, which has a big king sized bed and even a seating area and a balcony. It's really nice, but for now, Jungkook sets his bag on the bed and heads out.

In the city, he visits the same old restaurant he's always visited, has a great meal, goes shopping and buys a cute little lamp for his room back at home, and after he's done shopping, he goes to a little milk tea cafe to get boba tea. He's extremely happy by the time he gets back to his hotel room. Everything feels great.

But the show starts soon.

He has to accept his fate and leave the hotel for now.

He dresses up nicely in his new white button-up shirt. It has a white flower attached near the top of it, which is cute. He also bought a pair of black dressy pants and a white belt to match the shirt, and he wears his black dress shoes along with a few accessories.

When he arrives at the studio, an omega woman and beta man dressed in fancy black clothes lead him into the back entrance. The studio is extremely nice inside and out— as expected.

He's given his own backstage room, apparently, which he only learned by the staff just now. They guide him towards it and Jungkook eyes one of the doors which has a plaque next to it.

Dressing room A: Kim Seokjin

Jungkook lets out a little gasp as the staff stop abruptly in front of him and he nearly runs into them. He blinks up at them, lost and confused, but then he turns to look at the open door they're standing in front of.

Dressing room B: Jeon Jungkook


Of course, their dressing rooms are next to each other.

He goes into the room and watches in silence as the staff closes the door. Now all he has to do is sit and wait... and wait... and eventually, the waiting gets exhausting. Boring. He's started counting floor tiles by now.

Eventually though, he gets a knock on his door and he's thankful that the staff come and get him, telling him it's time for the show.

When he steps out into the hallway, there's an unfamiliar scent lingering that wasn't there before. It smells like a sweet picnic under some nice breezy trees. But he doesn't think too much about the scent other than how it smells good. He has other things to worry about.

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