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Jungkook goes back to the hotel right after the show, not caring about anything else rather than getting some rest. He's been out all day and he's exhausted. The show didn't exactly go as planned because he thinks he's being too petty now, but he stands by his words regardless.

It's just so draining, though.

He walks through the hotel entrance just in time to see a fancy black SUV pull up and a man dressed in black opens the back door. Jungkook sighs to himself as he sees none other than Kim Seokjin exiting the car.

Of course, they'd have them staying at the same hotel.

He hurries into the ground floor of the hotel and tries to hurry towards the elevator, but it takes forever to finally get down to him and by the time it dings to announce its opening, a familiar scent becomes stronger.

Riding alone in an elevator with Kim Seokjin wasn't exactly on Jungkook's to-do list for today, but it happens regardless. Unfortunately, they're the only two who step inside the elevator and Jungkook is stuck to the very far corner of it just so he isn't near the politician. Wouldn't want to be near him anyway– except Jungkook's wolf gets all hot and stirred up inside and it really bothers Jungkook because What the fuck? Why?

The elevator goes right to the seventh floor with no interruptions and Jungkook is thankful as hell, but he halts in his step as he moves to get off on the floor because he's not the only one who takes that move.

He grumbles to himself and follows behind Seokjin, keeping his distance and keeping his eyes on his feet as they both walk down the hallway towards their rooms. Seokjin stops at room 113 and Jungkook stops in front of room 114. It angers him that the studio staff put them side by side.

He follows what Seokjin does, pulling his room keycard out of his pocket, except he fumbles a little bit with his unlike Seokjin, who is much more classy. But Seokjin glances over at him just in time to watch Jungkook fumble with his card, which makes him groan to himself and panic, hurrying to just get into his room.

But then the man chuckles as if he's making fun of Jungkook and all senses get thrown out of the omega's brain.

Seokjin puts his keycard into the door handle, it beeps happily, and he opens the door to step in, but right as he is about to, Jungkook speaks up before he can stop himself.

"Looks like you forgot something," he says, which causes the alpha to immediately stop in his tracks. He pulls his door back a little as he turns to look at Jungkook, his eyes meeting the omega's, wondering what he wants from him now.

"What could I have possibly forgotten?"

Jungkook pushes his keycard into the door to unlock it, sliding the door open before he shrugs. "You didn't try using your charm on me like you said." He holds up the keycard beside his head sassily, faking a pout and pretending to be disappointed. "How will we ever know whether or not your charm works on me, alpha?"

Unlike the alpha lashing out like he thought he might, Seokjin simply pulls his door shut ever so slowly. He pockets his keycard and then begins making his way towards Jungkook. He didn't think this through. At all. But the alpha's scent is so strong and Jungkook's knees might feel a little weak now.

Seokjin steps right up to him and then leans down to his level. His eyes are piercing and dark, ready to challenge Jungkook.

He sniffs very animatedly like an overdramatic actor on stage.

"Hm." He tilts his head and fakes a sympathetic expression. "Looks like I don't have to charm you. You're already smelling a little desperate, omega."

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