Chapter 29

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In the days that followed, Iseul did her best to trail Whan-wook, but the other woman kept to herself a lot. Since they no longer shared a room, it was difficult to keep track of her whereabouts outside of the moments everyone was assembled in the same spot. She noticed the woman no longer interacted with anyone else. Had she already given up on her place in the selection? Did she trust Hojin that much to keep his end of whatever bargain they seemed to have?

Iseul also tried to pay attention to any progress Jae-sung made. But whenever she looked his way, he was simply chatting with his friends, or practicing his skills. She wondered if he did anything at all to find out what Hojin was up to.

Next to all that, they were given a new assignment and since this would probably be the last one before the king made his final decision, Iseul knew she had to try her utmost to succeed.

The final exam consisted of three stages. The first was a sword contest to determine self-defense. The second an obstacle course to test self-confidence and the third an archery contest for self-control.

Iseul knew the second part would be a potential problem for her, because no matter how much improved her stamina had become. She was still nowhere near as good as any of the boys.

Her sword fighting skills were sufficient, as long as she wasn't faced with Jae-sung, and in archery she had a steady hand. She was unsure weather the outcome of the contest would be the final draw, because the headmaster had said the chances of the winner would greatly improve his or her odds. Yet nothing definite was spoken about becoming crown prince or princess after this last test. So even if she failed to become first in all three parts, she might still have a chance.

At least, that's what she told herself.

Theoretical lessons were put on hold for the selection participants, to give them ample opportunities to practice and hone their expertise. Iseul mostly joined forces with the Jee brothers, the ten others apparently didn't want their opponents to have any advantage in training with them. Even though they've been sparring together each day for the last few weeks.

"A little higher, step forward, turn, yes! Very nice. You'll do fine, Iseul." Chul-yeo complimented her, but Iseul, wiping the sweat from her brow, shook her head.

"I'll never be as good as you two, even if I were to practice for a hundred years." She lowered the tip of her blade to the ground and leaned with one elbow on the heft. "My only hope is I'll be able to hold my footing for at least a few rounds."

Chul-seok twirled his own sword around and shrugged. "I doubt the king will expect a future queen to be an expert swords... woman. He knows you've only had barely three weeks to get acquainted with the concept of fighting. And by the way, you'll have the Hwarang to do the fighting for you. I'll be on your side, no matter what."

Iseul threw the boy a big smile, but around the edges there was sadness. Because when this whole process was over, the ones who didn't win would have to return home. And the Jee brothers lived nowhere near Gyeongju. Perhaps if Chul-yeo won the selection, his family would move here. She wondered if the young man even stood a chance. No matter what Binna had said about him being the favorite of the common people, she doubted the council, that included her grandfather, would ever accept a commoner as king.

She heaved a deep sigh, stood up straight and brought her sword back in position. She was about to slash the air in half when a small company of royal soldiers marched into the courtyard.

The one in front was holding a scroll, which he handed over to the headmaster, who had come running out of the main hall. Iseul watched his face carefully when he read the words on the scroll. The headmasters eyebrows rose, then his eyes wondered over the ones who'd come running forth out of curiosity and finally his gaze rested on Chul-yeo. He crumpled the paper and walked over to the boy. With a low voice, only discernible by those standing next to him, the headmaster said: "Jee Chul-yeo, you have been summoned by the king. Make yourself presentable and report back to these men who will escort you."

Chul-yeo bowed his head and without any comment, hastened to comply. His brother, however, asked with a worried expression: "Is he in trouble?"

There was no reply, because nobody knew why the king wanted to speak to him. And so there was nothing else to do but wait. Dark clouds started gathering overhead and the air felt brooding.

Du Ho joined her and Chul-seok after his own training was over and the three of them lingered near the entrance, the rest of the day.

They were about to go to the dining hall for dinner when a lonely figure stepped through the gate. His head was bent and his gait slow. Iseul feared his reply when Chul-seok ran over and asked: "Brother, what happened. Was it bad? What did the king say?"

Lanterns were lit around them and suddenly Iseul realized how dark it had become. She felt a splatter on her head when Chul-yeo finally lifted his head. In his eyes she saw pain and an overwhelming longing to comfort him struck her. Around the four of them raindrops began to fall and when the young man began to speak, the clouds above them broke.

"I'm out," Chul-yeo said. The two little words were hard to understand in the sudden downpour, but Iseul read his lips.

"Why?" she yelled. Her mind twisted and turned, but she couldn't think of one reason why the king would summon him, merely to tell him he was out of the selection. Was this another foul play by Hojin? She dismissed the idea as soon as it entered her mind. No, there was no way Hojin would feel thus threatened by a commoner. She doubted his great plan had anything to do with this.

Chul-yeo's shoulders rose and fell as his hair became drenched. "Let's go somewhere dry, I'll explain everything there." He pointed at the pavilion and the four of them ran through the rain, ignoring the dinner bell that sounded for the second time.

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