Chapter 2

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A/N: Yewwwww I love starting mini fics aha I've been really enjoying them! If you have any prompts or ideas for a mini fic please feel free to comment or message me about them! I'd love to write them <3

A/N: swearing

Liam stared out at the burly set of boys that made up his team. Most of his waking hours that weren't spent studying were spent with this particular group of boys. He knew each of them like the back of his hand. He knew their weaknesses and their strengths, and the coach trusted him to craft plays that would play into those.

After the last game's near-loss, Liam had stayed up all night creating a whole new set of plays and as he walked his team through them step by step, he watched their reactions, noting when and who was surprised or impressed and who took his changes personally.

"Study these like your life depends on them," Liam told them. "Because they do. Go get changed and meet me back here in ten minutes."

Coach would be here in twenty, but Liam liked to have the team warmed up and ready to go before he even showed up.

Liam plopped down on a lower rung of bleachers, propping his feet up and lighting a cigarette. The tension in Liam's body melted away with the first exhale of smoke.  Liam ran a hand through his fluffy brown hair and movement caught his attention out of the corner of his eye.

"Hey, it's the pretty boy," he teased as Theo stalked toward him, his arms crossed over his chest and his lips drawn down in a scowl.

Theo rolled his eyes. "I might be pretty, but at least I'm not stupid."

"Excuse me?"

"You think this is funny? Really?" Theo snapped, his body blocking the harsh sunlight as he stood over him and shoved a piece of paper in Liam's face.

"What's this?" Liam asked, completely unfazed by Theo's aggression. It detailed what looked like an advertisement for a dance recital with the silhouette of a male dancer leaping through the air, but bold red lines were scribbled over the top of it.

Theo scoffed. "You know exactly what it is. Notice the lines on it? The same red marker, the same one you idiots use for your team schedule." Theo hissed, shoving Liam's feet off the bleachers and taking their place. "So tell me Dumbar, why the fuck is your team messing with me? It's a dance recital, it doesn't affect you idiots at all."

Liam let out a laugh, thrusting the paper back at him. "Sorry to disappoint you cupcake, but that wasn't me."

Theo's nostrils flared. "Explain the red marks on your hand, then."

"This? I just finished mocking up the team plays."

"You expect me to believe that? You clearly did this," Theo snapped.

Liam let out a long puff of smoke, smirking as Theo waved his hand in front of his face to disperse the smoke. "Sorry, cutie, but I didn't have anything to do with it."

Theo slammed the paper down on the bleacher beside him. "Then who did?"

"I don't know, but I could help you figure it out?" Liam asked as he put out his cigarette. "Since you so clearly have your panties in a twist about it. Can you even wear panties with those tights?"

Theo's glare was murderous.

"Fuck you," he said, getting to his feet.

"Well since you asked so nicely," Liam taunted.

Theo balled up the piece of paper and chucked it in Liam's face. Tried to, at least. Liam caught it easily and uncrumpled it.

"You really are a piece of shit, you know that?" Theo said with a shake of his head. Beneath that anger that Liam had been playing with, was a thick layer of sadness that had Liam sitting up a bit straighter.

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