Chapter 11

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A/N: forgive me father for I have sinned... this chapter's something else lmfao

Liam's eyes connected with Theo's and he felt trapped, not in a bad way. But his body couldn't move and he found himself lost in his eyes, his physic catching his eyes downwards.

"Hey, eyes up here," Theo teased, playfully bumping him. The pair hasn't gotten that far yet, they had agreed to take things slow- they weren't even an official couple.

However it was unspoken, they know they belonged to one another. "You look irresistible," Liam smiled pulling him in, his hands resting on his waist as he placed a kiss upon his cheeks.

Their slight height difference made Theo laugh, despite Liam's shortness he was still confident and carried himself as such. The way he provided for Theo and made him feel safe was something he couldn't explain, he loved it.

"Are you excited for tonight?" Theo asked, his hands brushing against Liam's arm. The younger boy nodded, despite his cast he could still have fun. "Is Mason going?" Theo added, hoping he would since he was the only one Liam hung around that he could stand.

Liam nodded, "yeah he's mt best friend," he laughed "plus, they'll be eye candy for him to drool over." His hand moved to cup Theo's face, "you don't have to go, I know these events make you nervous..."

"I'll be okay, I have you."

Liam couldn't help the smile that appeared on his face at Theo's words, "how's Tara?" he asked hoping she was doing a bit better bit judging by Theo's facial expression that was not the case.

"She's not good," Theo sighed, running a hand through his hair as he took a step back. "She needs a new heart, if they can't get one, she's going to die," he said rather bluntly. But that was just the severity of the situation, there was no nicer way to put it.

"If there's anyway I can help, tell me." Liam said softly, wanting Theo to know he was not only here for him- but for Tara too. "I don't want you to go through this alone, lean on me."

Theo nodded before clearing his throat, "alright, I'll meet you downstairs." He turned and began walking down the flight of stairs, heading towards Liam's car.

The drive to the party was quiet, Theo was fighting his anxiety the entire time. "Are you ok?" Liam finally asked, that question sitting on his tongue for the majority of the drive.

"I will be," Theo smiled, placing his hand on Liam's thigh as the younger boy parked the car. That was when he caught sight of Brett, he groaned before turning his face.

"Trust me, I get it." Liam said trying his best to reassure Theo, yes Brett was on his team but his main focus was Theo. "Let's just go together? Plus, I need to grab my crutches."

Theo nodded, getting out of the car. The rich smell of smoke from the bonfires immediately sent him back, "wow, that's strong." He waved the smoke and coughed to the side making Liam laugh, "what?"

"Nothing," he said before shaking his head, his brown hair falling in his face. "You're just pretty," he admitted, reaching down to grab Theo's hand.

"Liam," Theo squirmed, "people are looking, they're gonna judge us."

"Theo, you're a male ballet dancer. I think if people see you holding a guys hand they aren't going to care," Liam explained making Theo's eyes go wide.

"Oh my god, you're a lacrosse player- what if they say something bad about you?" he said trying to tug his hand from Liam's grasp but the younger boy shook his head, his grip only tightening.

"I'm with you Theo, I don't care what anyone thinks. Especially them," he said crooking his neck towards his team who were certainly looking at them, "come on."

They made their way through the crowds, the cheering lacrosse players and the swooning drunk girls. "Wow, it's a lot," Theo said taken back by the sight, never having experience something like this.

Liam laughed, "once you drink it doesn't feel as scary," Liam said grabbing two red cups and handing one to Theo who stared at it hesitantly. "It's vodka, I can smell it," Liam laughed, the smell was off putting.

Theo had never drunk alcohol before, but he wanted to try It and since he wasn't driving he thought, why not? Raising the cup he took a sip, the liquor burning his throat "wow," he said which was followed by a cough.

Liam laughed, wiping his mouth. One drink wouldn't hurt him, he could drive. By the time they leave the alcohol will be out of his system, "want another?" he asked looking for another cup. Finding one, he handed it to Theo who took it and downed it almost instantly.

The party went on, they danced and sang- screamed. Every now and then Liam would sit down to give his good leg a break, his cast starting to bother him as he watched his teammates rough around.

"You okay?" Theo asked, a soft smile on his face as his words slurred. Liam nodded, pulling the dancer into his lap. Theo cupped his face, the alcohol giving him a newfound sense of confidence as he leaned in.

"We don't care if you're gay but there's no need to flash it around," a voice snickered, turning around to find it was Brett who had said it. Theo nuzzled his face in Liam's shoulder to hide his embarrassment, Liam flashed Brett a glare.

"Why don't you" Liam began but Theo's clutch on his shirt had him taking a deep breath, not wanting to cause a scene and make Theo anymore anxious then he already was, "you're not wroth it."

With that Liam was hopping back up and taking Theo's hand, "I'm sorry," Liam said with a disappointed expression on his face, Brett was gonna cop it tomorrow. "Let's go darling," he said holding his hand out for Theo to take, only when he did was Liam leading the way.

"Really? You're just gonna walk away- oh, that's the easy way!" Brett shouted, following after them. Theo bit his lip, his anxiety rising as he avoided turning around despite his body screaming at him to do so.

"Brett fuck off," Liam snapped, pulling Theo to the side and out of potential harms way, "go away, you're drunk." Brett chuckled, pushing Liam back despite the fact that the shorter boy had crutches.

"Hey-" Theo began but Liam cut him off.

"Fuck off Brett, I swear I will shove this so far up your ass!" Liam snapped grabbing his crutch only for Brett to snatch it from his grasp, throwing it to the side leaving Liam with one. "Really?"

"Go away," Theo said but his voice was more of a plead then a demand, his green eyes begging with Brett's as he didn't want to see Liam get hurt, he couldn't stand the idea of that happening,.. not with everything going on with Tara right now.

Brett smirked, kicking the crutch away leaving Liam balancing on one foot. Theo moved to his aid but was thrown back by Brett, his body scraping against the cement. "The fuck is your problem?" Liam shouted, pushing Brett back despite his vulnerable position.

The next scene happened in slow motion, one minute Theo was staring at Liam who was on one foot and the next he was being pushed back onto the road. The headlight came too quick, the bang, the noise, Liam's yell. It all happened to quick, Theo didn't know what he had just witnessed. 

Published: 26th January 2024
Word count: 1243

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