Chapter 6

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A/N: Hiiiiii I hope you all had a beautiful Christmas and new years, if you celebrate it! <3

Watching Theo dance had sounded boring and he thought he would rather be doing anything else, however it was quite the opposite. He found himself watching more than he thought he would have, his eyes even catching Theo's smile every so often.

"Cute leaps, cupcake." Liam couldn't help but say, considering Theo's dance instructor was not currently here he knew he could talk to him. Theo rolled his eyes before adjusting his posture and spiralling into a set of turns that had Liam's head spinning.

"Jesus, don't you get dizzy?" Liam asked, he would have been on his ass if he attempted such a thing. Theo snickered before going to the corner of the room, moments later he was leaping across the ground. His steps were quiet and light, the control his movements possessed were full of control and grace.

"Not really," Theo laughed, "I get dizzy rarely but you get used to it." He shrugged as if it was nothing, his arms moved in front of him before his back arched back and his hands touched the ground. Liam crooked his neck to meet his gaze with pure confusion, "I'm stretching."

"Gonna stretch your back until it snaps," Liam said shaking his head, that was not how he would ever try and stretch. Theo rolled his eyes before sitting down with his legs split open, he laid on his stomach and pushed forward. His legs split open and his face cupped by his hands, "there's no way that's comfortable."

"It is for me," Theo stated, having done this almost daily to stretch his hip and pelvic muscles. This made it easier for Theo to go into the splits or do turns, "plus, it helps me dance to the best of my ability."

Not long after Theo stood up and grabbed his dance bag, "come on," he said patting Liam on the shoulder indicating that it was time to go. Liam nodded standing up and double checking he didn't leave his phone on the floor, only when he was certain he had it, did they exit the studio.

"Where to?" Liam asked with a dopey smile, his energy all the same of a puppy dog that was eager to run around. It made sense why he played lacrosse, it would be a good outlet for his energy.

"Anywhere but mine," Theo said with an awkward laugh. With renovations continuing on his house he couldn't have anyone over, his parents wouldn't allow it.

"We could just hang here?" Liam suggested, "maybe you'll let me show you how to play lacrosse?" he added with a sly grin, since the pair had been hanging out Liam had tried to get Theo to engage with his sport but the older boy seemed very disinterested.

"Fine, but only because I wanna see you fall on your ass," Theo said after contemplating his options, it was only fair considering Liam had come to his practice when he didn't have to.

"I'm a pro darling, I won't be falling," Liam smirked, taking Theo's hand and leading him to the lacrosse field. "Except, maybe for you," Liam said before sending a wink Theo's way, ignoring his cringed face.

"You're actually terrible," Theo laughed with a shake of his head while being led towards the field. "You were hoping I'd come here weren't you?" he laughed as he saw Liam's lacrosse bag.

"I mean yeah, but I would have ran over to get this in case you said no." Liam picked it up and had even included an extra stick for Theo, "here you can use this one," he said handing it to Theo who stared at it confused before looking at Liam.

"Just don't like, tackle me, okay? I can't risk getting hurt or an injury right now," Theo said with that I'm-warning-you look. Liam nodded with a grin before handing Theo the ball, "so how does this even work?"

Liam stepped back until they were on the field, "scoop the ball and throw it to me, we'll just do some drills." He stated with a shrug as if it was easy stuff, light work. Theo nodded, looking down and scooping the ball and scraping the grass in the progress.

"Good job cupcake," Liam praised which had Theo's cheeks flushing, "now throw it to me." Theo raised the stick and threw it, he didn't realise how heavy the ball was- it didn't go far. It definitely didn't reach Liam, it was not even close.

"This is stupid," Theo said looking down, he should be home. He should be helping his sister right now, or his family. Not here with Liam, not doing this. "Maybe I should just go..." Theo said so softly that Liam almost didn't hear him.

"No, no- here let me help you," Liam said jogging over to him, grabbing the ball on his way. His hips were rubbing against Theo's side as he placed the ball into Theo's net. "Okay now when you raise your arm you want to turn your shoulders so that you can use that power when you throw it," he explained.

"What's the point?" Theo complained, "I mean it's not like I'll ever need to do this or anything so why bother?" he watched as Liam's face fell slightly, although he tried to cover it.

"You're right, it's stupid... we don't have to do it," Liam said with a softer voice, it was clear he was a people pleaser. Trying his hardest to do what Theo wanted and what would make Theo happy, that didn't exactly sit well with Theo.

"No, it's okay," Theo paused, he didn't want Liam to change who he was or give up what made him happy for him. "I'm just tired, I'm having fun I swear," he said before swinging the stick over his head and throwing the ball, a grunt escaping as he did so.

Liam bounced beside him, "you did it! Look how much further that went!" Liam beamed, jumping before running towards the ball and grabbing it- he was literally a puppy dog.

Theo checked his phone and saw the time, "I should be heading home though," he opened the travel app to check the bus times, "what the fuck?" he asked with furrowed brows and an obvious annoyed expression.

"Is everything okay?" Liam asked. Theo had been yet to let him drive him home yet, the closest he had gotten was taking Theo to the bus stop. He didn't understand why he wasn't allowed but he didn't want to overstep.

"Can you just," Theo paused, his mind swimming and racing with thoughts as he tried to string the sentence together. "Can you just take me to the hospital please," he sighed.

"Uh, I mean I can, is everything okay?" Liam asked, although not wanting to overstep he couldn't help his curiosity and the fact that he cared a lot for the boy. Theo's hand shook as he put his phone away, he didn't want to lie but he knew it was for the best.

"Yeah, I just need to see my mum... she's a nurse." His voice wavered as he spoke, Liam didn't really believe him but he knew whatever it was, Theo clearly didn't want to talk about it so instead of interrogating him, he nodded.

Published: 3rd January 2024
Word count: 1219

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