Chapter 3

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A/N: I hope y'all are enjoying this mini fic! I've loved writing it hehe! Please note that any mini fic suggestions are WELCOME I'd love to hear your ideas! Comment them below and I'll reply <3

A/N: swearing

"Hey cupcake," Liam chimed, leaning against the locker of which Theo was beside. The blue colour of them only seemed to bring out Liam's eyes, which Theo was definitely not looking at.

"Really?" Theo replied turning to face him, an unamused expression plain on his face.

"What? No welcome kiss?" Liam replied with a smirk. His confidence- although justified was getting on Theo's last nerve.

Theo slammed his locker shut, "why don't you just fuck off? Go hang out with your idiot friends?" Theo retorted.

Liam sighed, "you're not too fond of me are you?" He watched as Theo's face morphed into a twisted expression of shock and amusement.

"Wow? Was it that obvious?" Theo replied sarcastically, shaking his head and grabbing his bag.

"Wait" Liam called out making Theo groan, "oh my god, what?" Theo replied.

"Dinner tonight," Liam stated, Theo's mouth gaped open like a fish out of water. "What? No, why? Are you serious?" Theo asked confused. Liam stood confidently, "yep, I'll pick you up. Give me your phone," Liam said.

Theo hesitated but his curiosity peaked, handing him his phone he watched as Liam opened his contacts and put his number in, "text me your address, I'll pick you up at six" Liam smirked.

Giving Theo a final glance before walking down the hall leaving Theo confused and in shock. What the fuck? Why? "Okay..." Theo mumbled to himself, scratching the back of his neck he couldn't hide the small smile that crept on his face.

He had a date! A date with Liam dunbar...Fuck...

Theo had the biggest crush on Liam in sophomore year, but Liam never noticed him. Theo eventually turned that crush into resentment, anger and frustration.

Liam never understood why Theo disliked him so much, as far as Liam was aware they didn't even know each other. Theo had just labeled him as your typical jock and moved on, that wasn't very fair?

The day went on and soon enough school had finished, Liam was rounding up his teammates as their practice was coming to an end. "Alright remember your places and remember what we discussed," Liam said.

They nodded in agreement, hanging off his every word. "We have a big game tomorrow, don't be the one who messes it up, understood?" Liam said. His teammates nodding and cheering in agreement, "see youse tomorrow."

Pushing the doors of the school open he walked down the halls, entering the locker room he threw his jersey off. Remaining shirtless as he heard the door open, "are you going to stand there or come in?" Liam asked.

"I'm just waiting," Theo said, crossing his arms. "I told you six?" Liam replied with a confused expression.

"And I just danced for two hours, I'm hungry now and slightly bored," Theo smirked, leaning against the locker and keeping her eyes averted elsewhere.

"I smell disgusting, I need to shower and get dressed," Liam stated. Having just practiced for an hour he wasn't feeling the 'sexiest' nor did he smell it.

"Yeah, well it's a good thing the school has showers," Theo replied amused, "I'll be waiting in the dance room." With that he exited the room, hiding his excitement expression best he could. He really was hungry, but he was more so nervous. If he went home he was sure he would stand Liam up.

He still couldn't believe he was about to go on a date with Liam Dunbar? That was insane to him, but hey? He wasn't about to complain how was he? Grabbing his duffel bag he walked back to the locker room.

Not thinking, he opened the door. "Oh shit," Theo gasped shutting it. Liam was completely naked in the shower.

"you can come in" Liam laughed. Theo peeked the door open, thankful that Liam now had a towel around his waist.

"Parents never taught you to knock, pretty boy?" He asked amused. His wet brown hair cascading in his face, creating shadows over his usual big blue eyes. Theo gave a nervous laugh in response, "I didn't think.." Theo said.

Liam smirked, "you going to stand there and watch or are you going to turn around?" Liam asked. When Theo didn't respond Liam grabbed the side of his towel and began to pull it, revealing his v line.

Theo immediately closed his eyes and turned around, knowing if he stayed facing him his curiosity would get the better of him. "You know you could have watched," Liam said.

"That's a bold line," Theo replied, feeling the roomy locker room grow gradually smaller by the second.

"I've got nothing to hide," Liam said "You can look now." When Theo turned and slowly peeked his eyes open, Liam was thankfully now standing in his boxers.

"Of course you're wearing Calvin Klein," Theo snickered, shaking his head. Was he surprised? No but it still took him a second.

"Are you jealous? Or would you rather I wear nothing?" Liam smirked. Throwing his towel to the side making a mental note to grab it on his way out and throw it into the laundry bin.

Theo rolled his eyes, "you're very cocky for someone who dropped the ball, twice." Theo replied.

"Aw were you keeping count?" Liam teased, staring Theo up and down with ravenous eyes. Theo rolled his eyes, "no, I wasn't. Idiot" Theo retorted.

"I bet you were," Liam smiled, but Theo still shook his head in denial. Was he watching? Absolutely, was he about to admit that? Fuck no.

"You're an ass," Theo said, Liam chuckled in response, slipping on a pair of jeans from his locker.

"I can be, but something tells me you'd like that" Liam taunted, Theo resisted the urge to reply. Knowing his body and mind would surely take control over anything his mouth would say.

"Where are we eating?" Theo asked, he hoped it would be somewhere a little private. He wasn't exactly comfortable being around lots of people.

"Where ever you would like," Liam replied, turning to grab a shirt from his locker. Slipping it on he shook his wet hair, a few wet splats smacking Theo in the face.

"You're a wet dog-" Theo commented making Liam laugh.

"Is that your way of saying you want me on all fours-" Liam snickered raising his brows. Was he being risky? Yes. Did he care? No.

Theo opened and closed his mouth, "I'll eat anything," Theo said immediately changing the subject.

Liam laughed, "anything hey? Get on your knees than," he said with a smirk. Okay he was definitely playing this a little riskier then he had originally intended but judging by Theo's body language, he could tell he was into it.

Theo pulled a face, "you wish" he said, except he didn't mean that. Liam grabbed his gear and shoved it into the locker.

"Let's drive around and see what we can final Liam said making Theo laugh, "okay, that we can agree on" he said. Liam smiled, shutting his locker before they exited the locker room. "Come on, cupcake," he smirked. Theo rolled his eyes but reluctantly followed him until they reached Liam's car...

Of course he drove a fucking Bentley...

A/N: aweee they're going on a date hehe

A/N: thank you again a_written_simulacra for your help in these first few chapters! I appreciate you so much!

Published: 11th December 2023
Word count: 1268

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