Chapter 10

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A/N: thank you so much for 1k reads!! I'm glad you guys are enjoying this fic!!

Liam sighed, his thumb brushing over Theo's hand as they made eye contact. He could find himself lost in those green orbs for hours, the comfort they brought him was beyond describable. "Is she ok?" he finally asked, despite the fear of it's answer.

Theo shrugged, "it was internal bleeding, it's stopped now but she's not good- the smoking isn't helping either but she won't quit," he paused, a shaky breath exiting his mouth as he turned to the boy in front of him. "I just don't want to lose her- I mean she is my sister."

Liam nodded understanding; sure he didn't have a sister. But he had lost his father when he was a kid, a tragic car accident. The internal bleeding had killed him, his heart failing upon impact. "I'm sorry," Liam said, wishing there was more he could do.

Theo nodded, "I appreciate you," he smiled. Feeling his breath hitch as he met the blue eyes before him, feeling closer to the boy than ever. "I might not be thinking straight, but-" Theo whispered, his hand reaching for Liam's face as he cupped his cheek.

"We're not straight," Liam smirked unable to help himself as he leaned into the touch, seeing Theo's eyes look at his lips. Leaning closer their noses brushed, slowly moving in as their lips meet. A soft moan escaped Theo's mouth as he leaned into the kiss, his shoulders no longer tense.

"Wow," Theo whispered as he pulled back, his eyes meeting Liam's. "That was, better than I was expecting," he smiled making Liam laugh. "Now, how about that date you kept saying you'd take me on?" Theo teased; this could be just the distraction he needed.

"Given the cast," Liam said pointing to his ankle, "it won't be as magical as I hoped but," he stood up, holding Theo's hands. "I promise it'll still be beautiful, just like you," he raised their hands to press a gentle kiss upon Theo's.

Theo's cheeks flushed a soft shade of pink, "okay, well I should get going," he laughed, scratching the back of his neck as he began to walk towards the door only to give Liam a second glance, "thanks again...for everything."

Liam smiled, "anytime cutie," he teased. Watching as Theo exited his room before he sat back down, his heart still hurting for the boy, he turned to his draws. Opening them he found the organ donor sheet he had pinched from the hospital; he would fill it out later.


Liam laid the blanket on the grass, the sun beginning to set as he prepared everything. A basket was in his hand as he placed it onto the blanket, seeing Theo walk towards him- his parents had dropped him off.

"Hey," Liam smiled walking closer and taking his hands, placing a small kiss upon them. Theo's eyes beamed as he saw the effort Liam had put into their date, he hadn't experienced such kindness from someone before- let alone someone he liked.

"Thank you, you didn't have to do all of this," Theo said with a soft smile and teary eyes. "It's perfect, you're perfect," Theo said as he sat down, the blanket rubbing against his skin. Looking around he saw the picnic basket, "what food did you bring?" he asked as his stomach grumbled on cue.

Liam smiled, taking his hand and leading him to sit down with him. The cast still on his foot was proving to make sitting down a tad difficult, but he got it done. "So," Liam smiled grabbing the basket and placing it in front of them both, "I made a fruit platter- I would have done cheese but Tara told me your lactose intolerant?"

Theo nodded with a small laugh; he really did listen- he cared. "Oh, I love watermelon," Theo laughed as Liam placed them on the picnic mat, he immediately helped himself to the watermelon, "it's so juicy."

Liam snickered, he decided to keep the dirty joke to himself. "You deserve nice things like this, you deserve to be spoilt," Liam said brushing Theo's cheek, a drop of juice on his thumb as he sucked it, "you deserve to be ravished."

Theo gulped, his cheeks flushing a soft shade of pink as he bowed his head and nodded, "so do you." Liam nodded, grabbing a strawberry and biting into it. The flavour exploding in his mouth as he leaned back, "when do you get that off?" Theo asked, referring to the cast.

"Hopefully in three weeks I can be rid of it," he laughed looking down, "I just miss playing lacrosse, it sucks having to watch my team and I can't even play," he shrugged. Theo nodded understanding; he couldn't imagine watching his group dance without him.

"Well, I'm excited for you...I might even go to one of your games," Theo teased making Liam's smile widen. "Might," he added teasing him, Liam rolled his eyes in a dramatic manor, "are you going to the lacrosse bon fire?" Theo asked.

Liam nodded, "kind of have to, captain duties and all," he laughed with a shrug.

"I always pictured you as some bro who loved to party," Theo laughed making Liam snort.

"Glad to know you picture me," Liam winked before grabbing a banana that had been dipped in chocolate, "but I'm certainly not some frat bro," he snickered, plopping the banana into his mouth.

"Maybe I'll come?" Theo asked, he hated parties- he really did. However, he knew Liam had been making the effort and trying to do things Theo enjoyed, the least he could do is try for Liam.

"Really?" Liam was taken back, he didn't expect Theo to want to hang out with a bunch of obnoxious guys and party, "everyone's going to be drinking and probably doing some pretty dumb shit," Liam reminded him.

Theo nodded, "I know, I want to-" he paused, making sure Liam met his gaze before he continued, "but I want to... for you." Liam's eyes softened and that adorable smile rose to his face as he grabbed Theo's hand and placed a gentle kiss upon it.

"I would love to bring you as my date," Liam smiled, his blue eyes reflecting the orange sky behind them. The sunsetting and the warm breeze was only enhancing the beauty that was this date, "I'd love nothing more."

Theo nodded, "so its settled, pick me up and we'll go." Theo smiled, grabbing another slice of the watermelon before devouring it. "I can't wait," he said and for once, he meant it. 

Published: 22nd January 2024
Word count: 1086

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