Chapter 7

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A/N: I finally have a solid plan for this fic and I'm very excited to see how y'all react!

Well, this isn't exactly what Liam had hoped for but here he was. Sitting in beacon hills hospital with his step dad checking him in for an X ray. How did he get here?

Well- lacrosse. Lacrosse hospitalised him, but in his defence it was definitely not his fault. All the flips he was doing didn't cause it, not at all. Maybe a little, he might have jumped too high and been tackled...

Regardless, his ankle appeared to be broken and with the first game approaching he couldn't risk an injury especially one like this. The pain was throbbing and radiating up his leg, his step dad was finally bringing him painkillers.

"At least it wasn't from a fight?" David teased trying to lighten the mood, he knew the results were going to crush Liam and he wanted to try and ease it as much as he could.

The playing season only lasted 8 months but a broken ankle can take 6-8 weeks. He could be out for two-three months if you take into account the healing time afterwards, he couldn't be able to play at his best for a long time after.

"It's broken isn't it..." Liam asked although he knew the answer, despite the way his ankle looked and felt he could just see it on David's face. "It's broken and it's my fault," he sighed looking down as his swollen and bruised ankle.

"Yes," David said with a sigh, rubbing Liam's back before turning back to the pen board. "Let's get you in a cast and you can still coach, you won't miss every game this season play? Try to look at the positives."

Liam nodded, although he wanted to scream and cry, what good would it do? It wouldn't fix his ankle and it would only cause a scene, an unnecessary tantrum that he didn't need to throw.

"Doctor Geyer, could you please check on-" Theo's head ducked back almost immediately upon seeing Liam's face but it was too late, Liam had seen him. With a guilt expression he re appeared, "can you check my sister please?"

Liam frowned, he didn't know Theo's sister was here. "Is she ok?" Liam couldn't help but ask and Theo had know it was coming, he had to. He knows Liam is an inquisitive person, he wasn't nosey- just curious.

Theo shrugged, "she looks pale and she won't eat, I just need you to see her.." Theo said with a softer voice, his eyes were dull and his face pale. Almost the same way he had described his sister, Liam can't believe he didn't know he had a sister.

Is that why Theo wanted to come here a few days ago? Did Theo lie to him? "Isn't your mum a nurse?" Liam asked but Theo ignored him, instead he led David to the other room where Theo's supposed sister would be.

Hours later and Liam was doped up, never had he felt so high and desperate for a cigarette all at the same time. His ankle was officially broken and casted, he hated it. He felt immobile and weak, his mind still racing with questions about Theo.

Almost on cue the door knocked, Liam tried his best to sit up but given his dozy state he didn't achieve much. "Are you okay?" Theo asked realising he didn't ask earlier having been too caught up with his sister.

Liam shrugged, "honestly?" He said looking down at his ankle, "I'm mad and I'm upset but it's okay, it's maybe three games I'll have to sit out but I'm still the assistant coach, so it's not the worst thing..." he said.

Theo admired him, his ability to always find the positives and look at things from a brighter picture. It warmed his heart considering Theo was the opposite, his body was his instrument much like Liam's.

If he broke his ankle he would be completely and utterly fucked. Not only would his family scold him but his dance coach- God he would never hear the end of it from her. She would belittle him and curse him out as if she was her own kid, he would have been fucked.

"You're a lot happier than I thought you'd be," Theo noted, looking down at Liam's cast. "Can I sign it?" He asked hoping that would brighten Liam's mood even more, he watched as Liam's eyes lit up.

Eagerly he nodded and leaned over his desk, handing Theo a marker from the table. "Here!" He said happily as he handed it to him, watching as Theo leaned down and wrote his name on Liam's cast.

"So you're marking me now?" Liam asked in an amused tone. Expecting Theo's response to be annoyed or deflect the joke, but instead he returned it. 

"Oh I'm sure you'd love that," Theo said surprising Liam, not that he was about to complain. "I'm here to see my sister as you know. But I had to make sure you were okay as well."

"You didn't have to, you chose to." Liam said in a soft tone, his hand reaching for Theo's who didn't move. Their fingers intertwined as Liam smiled, "is your sister okay?"

Theo sighed, it seemed to be a sensitive subject which led Theo to remove his hand. Slowly standing up before he turned towards the door, "I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked and once Liam nodded he was out of the room.

Leaving Liam more curious than he was before, and more confused. He knew people had secrets and stuff they kept private and maybe Liam was just an open book, but something felt off?

Either way, he was going to find out what was happened, maybe even help it if he could. Since he couldn't play lacrosse he'd have all the time in the world to help Theo. Whatever Theo was dealing with; he didn't have to do it alone.

Published: 7th January 2024
Word count: 1009

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