Chapter 9

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A/N: There will be 12 chapters in total, we're so close to the end of this fic! 

A/N: Mention of blood :)))

"Oh, and this is the drawing I did of my childhood bear," Tara smiled while showing Liam her sketch book, he hadn't expected her to be so talented. "I wish I could get tattoos; I'd be covered in them."

"I have one, but my parents don't know," Liam laughed before lifting his hospital gown. A small outline of a lacrosse stick sat on his upper thigh, "I would have preferred to get it my ankle, but my parents would kill me," he laughed.

"Firstly, I'm jealous and secondly, if I don't die, we're getting tattoos together." She laughed before flipping the page of her sketch book, "This is one I drew of Disneyland- I've never been but it looks fun," her smile faded.

"You'll go one day; I'll go with you." Liam replied with a confident smile, one that made Tara see what her brother was attracted to. It made her feel safe, understood and appreciated all at once.

"You can make Theo throw my ashes from there," she laughed, closing her sketch book and tossing it onto her nightstand. For a hospital room it was quite homey, full of little things she enjoyed and liked.

Liam laughed, "I'd want my ashes thrown into the ocean, then I can go anywhere... I could see anything." She nodded, understanding why he would want that. "You make me not wanna get discharged," he said.

"You could always visit me, it's not like I'll be going anywhere anytime soon." She shrugged, it reminded him of her limited time left on this earth. If he could give her his heart and not die, he would.

Until then, he had gotten blood tests taken and he was in fact a match for her. Except he was still living and breathing, his heart was no good to her, not yet. "I'll definitely visit you," he promised, he intended to keep that.

"Look at you two," Theo smiled as he entered the room, leaning against the wall with crossed arms. "How's your leg?" he asked, his eyes averting down to the cast on Liam's leg.

"I should be discharged tomorrow," Liam replied with a smile, taking Theo's hand in his and gently rubbing it with his thumb. "But I'm going to visit this one," he said crooking his neck to Tara.

"Before I die, you two better start dating," she said crossing her arms and giving Theo that do-as-your-told look that he had gotten used to from her, "I mean it teddy, he's adorable."

Theo rolled his eyes before leaning down and pecking Liam on the cheek, "he is," he said catching Liam off guard. That didn't stop the beaming smile from crawling onto his face, but it was short lived.

Tara began to cough, a small tickle in her throat. "Tara, have some water." Theo handed her the cup but she quickly began to grasp it, choking as she slid off the bed. Liam hopped to her side, as did Theo as they tried to held her up.

"Theo! The button!" Liam yelled, his eyes aiming directly at the red emergency button on her wall. "Tara, just breathe please," Liam begged, struggling to hold her up given his one-legged status.

Tara's body paled, a clot of blood landing on the floor from her coughing. "Oh god," Theo said looking away, his stomach turning and his vision blurring. "Tara, please," he cried out.

Nurses rushed into the room, immediately clearing the area and removing Theo and Liam from the room. The siren blaring and the sight sent Theo into shock, Liam didn't know what to say or do.

He grabbed Theo and held him close, the older boy's face resting on Liam's chest as his breathing became laboured. "You're okay, she's strong Theo- she'll be okay..." Liam whispered, gently stroking his hair.

David was presumably on his way to another client when he caught the sight of the two boys, "Liam? What's going on- are you okay?" he asked looking him up and down before peeking through the door. "Oh, you boys should both go to Liam's room for now," David said with a slight hesitance In his voice.

"No- I'm not leaving my sister," Theo said with tears streaming down his face, his head shaking as Liam held him. "I-I can't lose her, no! I'm not ready," Theo's voice crack broke Liam's heart, "I can't do this."

"Darling, come on." Liam's soothing voice send waves to Theo's head, "she'll be okay, we need to let them do their job." Liam rubbed small circles on Theo's back as he slowly began to lead him towards Liam's room.

"Liam," David said softly, "you can leave after, okay? Jenna said she can come get you when you're ready," he said giving him a soft smile despite the situation. Liam nodded his thanks and appreciation before walking closer to the room, the alarm still ringing loudly.

"I can't lose her," Theo said, his green eyes profusely tearing up as his whole body began to shake, he couldn't do this. He wasn't ready to lose her, he couldn't. He needed her, she was his sister and his rock, he couldn't be in this world without her.

Liam nodded, knowing nothing he said would help so he held him. He wasn't entirely sure what to do in these kinds of situations, but he knew Theo liked physical touch, it grounded him. "I'm here, you're safe," he whispered.

Theo nodded, a small sniffle and sob escaping as he held onto Liam's shirt. Liam led them to the bed where he would have better balance, sitting down he pulled Theo close. The older boy's head now laying on Liam's chest, his heartbeat calming him down.

"Thank you, for everything." Theo's whisper was almost silent, Liam wasn't even sure he heard it at first. He nodded, pressing a kiss to Theo's temple. He didn't speak, he just let Theo cry. Allowing the usually stone-faced boy break down was something Theo needed, his body needed this.

Theo was safe in Liam's arms.

Published: 14th January 2024
Word count: 1003

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