Take a picture.

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A/N: I've never written a story before and definitely not something like this but if you bare with me I'm sure I'll warm up to it so anyways hope you enjoy :)

A/N: I've never written a story before and definitely not something like this but if you bare with me I'm sure I'll warm up to it so anyways hope you enjoy :)

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Izzy's POV:

I'm not actually Jesses sister, I was adopted by him and his family when they found me on patrol one day which was a very cold December. It was ages ago now. Nineteen years ago to be priciest. They all told me that I would have frozen to death if they didn't decide to take me home that day and I'm forever grateful they did. They've always treated me well, they made me feel like I was one of their own and everyone else in Jackson knew me as the 'joneses' kid' and I liked that, I sort of found some comfort in it. I have no memory of my parents as they left me when I was only a couple of months old, and I don't think about them often for they aren't worth my time and energy although sometimes I do wonder about knowing at least something about what type of people they were, or why they would leave me.

Jesse was always a good brother to me though. He was like my best friend, but the more we both grew, the more different he became. He started smoking and sneaking out late to go to parties with his friends, Ellie and Dina mostly.

Dina was also a good friend to me. She's always been around for Jesse and me, especially during the past couple of months when our dad fell sick with god knows what.

But she's always checking up on how I'm doing. Although she's not my sister I see her as one, she has beautiful brown eyes and her hair is a gorgeous chocolate colour, she was truly perfect in every way and looked good at any angle, something I lack. I could see why Jesse was so obsessed with her.

And then there was Ellie. Lord, how do I even begin to explain Ellie? First of all she's a jackass. Even if I've only known her for only a couple of years, less than I've known Dina, she's never given me a break since the day I met her. Ellie and Jesse would constantly pull pranks on me and afterwards Dina would scold them for making me upset.

Even her presence annoyed me, which sucked because she was always over. My family loved her, they said she's a "respectful young lady" but if they knew her like I did they'd probably have a stroke. There was a rumour going around that Ellie had most likely slept with the whole year group when she was still in school. I don't know why people would even let themselves score that low.

However I couldn't help but stare at her when she would play cards with the everyone at the kitchen table. Her arm has a delicately drawn tattoo of a moth with some sort of leaf design around it. To be completely honest it was a sick tattoo and suited her well, I'm assuming cat did it for her. Cat was Ellie's girlfriend. Well, kind of. They were always on and off with each other and whenever I'd see them together I couldn't help but feel some sort of pain in my stomach, but it wasn't like a physical pain, it was more like, I don't know, jealousy?

She's really grown into herself since we first met. Even though she's very skinny, she was very muscular. Her jawline was pretty sharp with freckles practically perfectly placed on her face along with emerald green eyes that were usually squinting in concentration whilst we played the games. Once I would've realised my gaze had been on her for too long Ellie would have always beaten me to it and would say some cocky comment like,

"Take a Picture, it will last longer." Followed by a smirk and a patronising chuckle to herself,
leaving my cheeks red and flustered causing me to roll my eyes in embarrassment. She knew she was hot and she owned it. A little too much really, she was very confident, and she knew that girls all over Jackson take any chance they get to throw themselves at her.

Ellies been over more than usual lately, she practically lives here. Joel and her are arguing about something again although this time it seems more serious and intense. If anyone brings up Joel that automatically places Ellie in a bad mood and she would leave the room or go completely silent.

It seems to be something that's really bothering her because Ellie isn't usually this upset over Joel and they've usually made up by now, but my mum said that she can stay in the spare room as long as she wants. And she seems to be making herself comfortable because she's even bringing her own girls back to the house for her own enjoyment, I will always hear the girls attempting to quietly sneak out around 2:30 in the morning after a "session" with Ellie, barley able to even walk straight. And I'm assuming her and cat have completely broken up due to the amount of girls I've seen, but they should be back together in no time. What a fucking pig, she used those girls for sex and sex only, probably to try and get over cat.

But it also makes me think, what If i was one of those girl?

No Izzy. don't even think like that. She's a horrible person and you wouldn't wanna get mixed up with someone like her.

Ellies POV:

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Ellies POV:

Me and Joel haven't spoken for at least 2 months now and I don't plan on speaking to him anytime soon. I haven't even told Jesse or Dina what had happened between us, and I don't plan on telling them that either. Instead I'll just cover everything up by smoking and going out to parties, and possibly bringing a girl back to Jesses place. It was nice there, Jesses place I mean. They were like the perfect family and I wish I had what they had. But it's whatever.

Me and Jesse have been friends for a while now and I'm happy to say he's my best friend. Same with Dina she's always been there for me, she has such a big heart and I don't know how she does it. She's always giving me great advice on what to do especially with the whole Joel situation, and she doesn't even know what's happened exactly with us but she doesn't need to know. She just knows that whatever it is, it's been affecting me greatly.

Jesse also had a little sister, Izzy. She has golden blonde hair and big hazel eyes that I would constantly catch glaring at me. I didn't mind though. She was fucking gorgeous, however she didn't see herself that way. I would always hear her talking about how perfect the girls on the tv were compared to her when she would end up watching something with me, Jesse and Dina due to Dinas invite.

I didn't Like how close they were, Izzy and Dina. I knew Dina was into girls. I wasn't to sure on izzy though. She kept to herself most of the time and rarely had people over, which made me somewhat relieved.

I wanted Izzy to myself and I would dream about her when I would fuck other girls, girls who meant nothing to me. That seems a little pervy and I know that but I couldn't help it. She was the hottest girl I've ever laid my eyes on no matter what she says and I only ever really had my eyes on her since the day we met.

But I could never have her because she was jesses sister for fuck sake. I couldn't do that to him, he was always there for me and I have to control my urges if I wanted to stay friends. Which was hard, Izzy looked good in anything she wore, especially those cute shorts she'd always wear on patrol training. Jesus, she drove me insane.

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