Cut My Air Off

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"You want me to do fucking what to you?"

Shouta fought the urge to look down at his lap, his face slowly burning hotter as his shoulders scrunched up slightly, and he focused his hands on scratching behind Twix's ears gently as the cat purred and he looked at his husband's shocked face. His lashes quivered lightly, his eyes about to pop out of his head with how damn wide they were, and his brows raised high on his forehead incredulously while his lips parted slightly giving them a soft O shape of surprise.

He squirmed in his spot on the couch, Hizashi just a cushions length away, his legs crossed and his phone dangling dangerously from his fingers threatening to drop at any , Shouta didn't think his choice was that weird. He didn't think it was so outlandish or at all surprising given his strongest reactions thus far, but the blonde still seemed genuinely taken aback. He thought that he'd been so clear in what he wanted, subtly hinting at it each time he went down on the blonde, but had he really not understood it?

Hizashi was smart, painfully aware in the best of situations, so how could he really be so shocked? He knew he'd had a few moments where he balked at something Hizashi did but was it really so out of pocket when Shouta wanted to do something that could be seen as next tier kinky? He bit his lip when he finally looked away from the blonde, unsure of what he could or should say to make the blonde understand that this wasn't just something the popped up- no, it was something that popped up, but he'd been doing research.

Looking into it when he had his free time, learning the techniques, watching the videos and reading up on it whenever possible so he knew he liked it. He knew it better than anyone but the fact that his husband stared at him like that, reacted to it like that, was making him feel far more self conscious than he did when he suggested the roleplay.

He swore that the blonde could hear his heart absolutely pounding against his chest in the silence that lingered between them with only a murmur from the TV breaking it up once in a while. He jumped when Hizashi reached out to lightly touch his chin turning his head to face him and he looked up to find that shocked look was gone. "I'm sorry, Sho, I didn't mean to say it like that."

He let Hizashi take a deep breath before the blonde offered a little smile as he brought his hand up to press the back of it against Shouta's hot cheek making him twitch at the light touch. "I didn't mean to react that way either, baby. I guess you could say that it kind of came out of left field but then again so is everything we've done so far!"

"I don't think it's coming from left field at all considering the shit we've done, like you said. It's not exactly the wildest thing, is it?"

"True! I mean, I fucked you in a car, Shouta! Not many people can say that, and we got away with it! Well, there was one car that went by but other than that we got away with it! So, anything you tell me from here on out won't be surprising, I promise! I mean, I guess I reacted that way because I didn't hear you right but then I pieced it together and thought I was wrong because there's no way you could've said what I thought you said!"

Was that really the only reason he got such a strong reaction? Or was Hizashi trying to spare his feelings? He stared at the blonde doubtfully, the blonde's lashes fluttering at him then and he glared at the blonde when he saw the action. He was trying to puppy dog eye his way through possibly offending him and he wasn't going to stand for that. He clenched his jaw, teeth grinding together as the blonde continued to flutter his lashes while widening those green eyes, and he then shifted his jaw making it click quietly.

He squinted, twitching his head to the side as he strengthened his glare with the irritation that was welling inside of him that clawed the embarrassment away. "And what did you think I said?"

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