Sweet Heat

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Hizashi loved summer. He loved the dry quality to the air, the chilly mornings that always sent a pang of nostalgia through him that led way to the scalding heat of the summer sun, heat that swelled and often became disgustingly muggy depending on the impending weather. He loved the budding flowers, the brilliant greens of the leaves and grass; loved the heat of hot sand beneath his feet, the chill of water brushing over his own hot skin.

The feel of those soft puffs of hot air that fluttered the scenery around him. He liked how big the sky felt in summer as well. The little wisps of clouds gracing the white-blue hue of it, the way it made the world feel far larger than he initially realized and had him feeling like anything he wanted was possible. It made his days feel infinite. The days he spent with Oboro, with Nemuri, and Shouta.

Going to that festival where he'd ridden the Ferris wheel with his husband, trying his best to win him stuffed toys to bring home, and managed to get him on a merry-go-round. How he'd planned every day up until then on how to ask the black-haired teen to go with him, how he'd stumbled over his words after the fireworks on his confession prompting him to repeat it until Shouta could understand him.

It wasn't all good summers, however, but he had those good memories. A bittersweet balance of bad and good. Summer held so many possibilities; it felt like eternity stretched out in front of him. It was undeniable how summer held that emotion; bittersweet. Right in the chest. It was odd how it felt summer began but also ended the moment it took place; how it felt like everything was already over before it had even started.

Like reaching the end of a book. The completion of a game. Hizashi hated that choking, tight bittersweet feeling but he knew it was unavoidable. It was quiet tonight; the sun was spilling its golden light over the horizon, the reds and burnt oranges as stunning as they always had when he looked over as a thumb brushed across his knuckles and smiled softly. Shouta in the sunlight was always a beautiful sight to him.

The way his skin seemed to glow in the setting light calling attention to the flush to his cheeks from the wine he'd been sipping at and the little shadows of his eyelashes when he blinked. How the light was shimmering at him from those dark eyes giving them that perfect lighting, they needed to call attention to the gray. The soft little smile on his lips. Even his earrings managed to catch the light, winking at him dimly.

Lifting Shouta's hand was merely instinct as he brought the back of it up to his lips, the soft little breath that left his husband was adorable; a laugh maybe? An amused reaction? He didn't care to place it as the hand tugged away from his own to touch his cheek lightly as he smiled at the man. To be so fortunate, to have the opportunities he'd taken and been given even now. He shuffled closer to Shouta, leaning in kissing that flushed cheek earning him a quiet sound that he adored.

A very distinctive giggle. A soft, back in the throat thing but he loved it. Maybe Shouta was a bit tipsy? Or maybe he wasn't trying as hard to hide it? He didn't know but it inspired him to press more kisses to those soft, flushed cheeks and to lean in rubbing his nose against Shouta's which earned him a little laugh from his husband as a thumb stroked his cheek softly. The air was hot with the promise of another sizzling humid day tomorrow, the sky brilliant with its jewel colors.

And after he had torn his eyes from the sky to turn towards Shouta, he had caught sight of a few stars winking out already. He felt Shouta's nose scrunch up when he pulled away to kiss the tip of it softly, the smile on Shouta's lips is so warm and so breathtakingly affectionate that Hizashi felt blessed. He wasn't religious at all but hell if he didn't feel like he had just been given an amazing gift.

The best thing he could ever have. It was then that he felt the slim box next to him slid against the seat to press against his thigh lightly, reminding him of their plans for the night. He gave a few more kisses to his cheeks, to the bridge of his nose and the wrinkles formed there from the scrunch pulling a chuckle from his husband when he pulled away to find eyes shimmering at him. The emotions flickering there had his heart flying against his chest when he turned to grab the slim box.

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