Bites and Pulls

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Clicking keys.

The creaking of the coffee table from his feet pressing lightly to them.

The background sound of Shouta washing dishes.

It was all a comforting, relaxing atmosphere as he reached up scratching at his cheek and shifting in his spot pushing lightly on the coffee table as he then slid his fingers up under his glasses to scrub at his itching eye, taking a deep breath then letting it out. He swallowed down a yawn; he wasn't tired, not that he thought so, but rather he was bored. He had had a long day, after all, but with it being Sunday he needed to have a game plan for his week.

He just had to suck it up. Push through. He stared at the glowing screen before him, scratching his head then nudged his glasses up his nose, and he drummed his fingers lightly on the keyboard as he stared at the half-written email to his assistant at the station. Debating how to continue and wrap up his ideas for the show this upcoming Friday. Shifting in his spot again he crossed his ankles as he fought the urge to jiggle a leg and he felt the annoying want to merely take a break.

To sit and talk with his husband then come back to the email in a few minutes. But he knew himself, he knew he wouldn't get back to it and he would forget about it. He would get distracted, and he wouldn't be able to focus on it. If he stopped be productive he wouldn't get shit done tonight. So, he forced his fingers to move, slowly at first, before the light clicking of his fingers striking at the keys filled the living room again as that quiet music, he had brought from the bedroom into the living room was barely heard.

Nothing distracting but still comforting. He could hear the water shutting off and he blinked at how the silence rang out without that additional background noise. A noise that he hadn't truly noticed had been melting in with the music and the clicking of his keys. He flicked his brows up briefly to himself, forcing his fingers to speed up again when they had begun slowing. He hummed quietly with the music.

Heard the sound of dishes clanking together as they were put away as he then finished up his last sentences and he then began scanning his gaze over the paragraph as he began rocking his ankles lightly. It was easy to scan, to read it over then fuss with the wording and correct any grammar or spelling mistakes he might have made; his brows were tight together as he rubbed his hand across his lips as he read over it again and again.

It was this focus of scanning and reading that ate up most of his attention that while he was aware of footsteps approaching it wasn't processing right away. Funny how they didn't quite click in his head that it meant Shouta was walking closer. It didn't process until he blinked feeling hands rest on his shoulders then slid forward down his chest as arms curled around him. He reached up instinctively, stroking a forearm softly as he felt lips on the back of his head. He nearly melted under the affection as he hummed as Shouta rested his chin on his head.

"Hey, baby. What's up?"

"Mmm, nothing. Finished the dishes." He hummed again when he took one more minute to take a final scanning look over the email when he felt it; a warm, subtle breath against the shell of his ear that sent shivers down his spine.

His next breath hitched when he flexed his fingers out taking a deep breath. It could be a coincidence. It wouldn't be the strangest thing for Shouta to move his head to look over his shoulder and yet he was swallowing down the urge to tilt then twist backwards to face his husband. To stare up at him and curl his hand up into those black locks that he knew would still be damp from the rain.

He always smelled so good from the rain; he couldn't explain it. Maybe it was the heat, the lingering scent from outside or the fact that his cologne was easily detectable but he loved the smell. Loved when his husband smelled like the summer weather outside. He rolled his fingers over the mousepad, clicking on the button to send the email when teeth bit at his ear. Nipping at first with a strangely playful manner.

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