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Wednesday, 9:00 AM

"Thank you so much for coming guys..."

Yeonjun speaks as he sits down on the sofa, careful not to spill the liquid inside his favorite Christmas mug that he was holding in his left hand (for some reason he likes to challenge himself from time to time to see how steady his non-dominant hand can be even though most of the time it doesn't end well). The four other guys all look at him with questioning looks, not really knowing the reason behind this early-morning meeting. All they knew was that Yeonjun sent a message in their group chat the day before saying he wants to talk to them about something very important but no further details were discussed. Taehyun and Kai were silently sitting on the sofa while Beomgyu was in his usual chair reading a book and Soobin was battling the broken coffee machine in the kitchen. Taehyun is the first one to speak.

"I think we didn't have much of a choice since we all live together and we all want to eat breakfast..."

Yeonjun just rolls his eyes while Taehyun shows him the biggest smile, clearly playing with him. Despite having highly suspicious that one of the boys wasn't 100 percent truthful in their messages last night about not having classes in the morning, Yeonjun decides to put his responsible side away for a bit as what he was about to propose was more exciting than any class in the world would ever be.

"Just stop acting mysterious and tell us why are we all here reunited," Beomgyu says after closing his book as he felt like Yeonjun's next words were about to be more interesting than his book's cliché plot.

Yeonjun takes a deep breath. "I know these past two days have been stressful for everyone. The... The Chanwoo incident has left most of us on the edge-"

Soobin doesn't think twice before giving up on the coffee machine and directing his footsteps to the living room, stopping right beside Yeonjun's spot on the couch and interrupting his speech. "It was never an incident. He's been waiting outside our dorm for two days in a row. He wants something and I keep having these wild dreams of him climbing our balcony and then killing us..."

"He would have to climb all three floors below us to reach our balcony. It won't happen Soobin, it's practically impossible..." Huening Kai tries to reassure him but it seems like he just made things worse.

"Practically," Soobin repeated. "It doesn't mean it's not totally impossible..."

"Soobin..." Yeonjun takes his hand in his and looks at the other guys with an understanding expression as he has also felt creeped out by Chanwoo's weird stalking moves. "I know it's been hell, but I have a proposal to make. And I think you guys are going to like it..."

"I'm all ears." Taehyun looks at Yeonjun with big eyes, waiting for him to continue and the other boys agree.

"Okay, we all know that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow the university will be closed due to the holidays and we had luck this year because those days are right before the weekend so we basically have four free days that we can do whatever we want. And what's best than staying inside the house with a big chance of having Chanwoo bothering us again?

"I don't even need to be listening to this anymore. I'M IN." Soobin interferes. "But sorry for interrupting, please continue."

Yeonjun smiles. "Thank you. Okay so, Lia's birthday was last week and she got lots of presents from her godparents and aunts and those guys are basically rich so she got pretty good things. I sometimes wish I was her cousin from her mother's side. I can't even recall the last time my family bought me a gift-"

"Yeonjun you're venting," Kai warns him.

"Sorry. Okay so, her aunt offered her 5 days to stay in a beach house as a birthday gift and that thing is huge! It has 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, it's located at a reasonable distance from the beach and the best part, it's 3 hours by car from here!" Yeonjun sees as his friends' faces lighten up. "And what I'm trying to say is that we were invited!"

"Really?" Kai asks excitedly.

"Yes. She decided to go there with four of her best friends, but as soon as she knew there were so many bedrooms, she thought it would be great to invite us too! What do you think? We'll go tomorrow morning so you'll need to have your things packed today!"

"I'm in!"

"Me too!"

And soon all the boys agreed to that majestic holiday plan. Yeonjun then started to show pictures of Lia's friends so they would have a clue when they see them and takes a pen and a sheet of paper out of his pocket that contained what Beomgyu could see from the distance, all the meals for the next 4 days and the ingredients that were necessary. Yeonjun needed the other guys' opinions and creativity for some of the lunches and Soobin and Huening Kai were quick to help and start writing on the sheet of paper.

"Ugh, I hate the beach..." Beomgyu mumbles while the other guys are too busy deciding the meals with Yeonjun and opens his book again. However, Taehyun doesn't waste this opportunity to annoy him.

"You hate everything..."

Beomgyu rolls his eyes and leaves the book to the side, his eyes now on the boy sitting across from him. "What's so good about beaches? You get sand everywhere, the sun is annoying and the water is always cold."

"That's not an excuse to not like the beach. I can't swim and I still like the beach. You're just a pain in the ass~"

"And you're just stupid for not knowing how to swim~" Beomgyu copies his singing tone and Taehyun crosses his arms.

"Excuse you, I can fluctuate sometimes, when the waves are calm. Just not always..." He says the last part in a murmur and Beomgyu shows a victorious smile.

"By the way, how's work?"

Taehyun raised an eyebrow. "Why do you care?"

"I don't, it's just..." Beomgyu talks quietly so the other guys wouldn't hear, specially Soobin. "Did he go there yesterday?" Taehyun nodded. "What about Monday?" Taehyun nodded again. "And is everything okay, did he do anything weird?"

Taehyun takes a deep breath and starts talking in the same quiet tone. "He's been acting weird for two weeks now. Every day is the same, he either orders something and sits at a table for hours or he just stays outside, looking inside the coffee shop. Ryujin called the manager several times but says he can't do anything as Chanwoo is not harming anyone. But it's weird, he's not as talkative as he used to be. He even points at the menu to order. I don't think I've heard something come out of his mouth in a week or so..."

Beomgyu nods his head. "So he's just following you without saying or trying anything..."

"Don't say it like that, it gives me the chills! But yeah, it's basically it. It's like I'm in a horror movie and he's my stalking demon but I only see him while I'm working and through our balcony. He never followed me home, I think..."

Beomgyu clicks his tongue. "I'll pick you up from work tomorrow."

"No! Yeonjun's been walking me home every day after work. You stay with Soobin and distract him so he won't go crazy..." Taehyun says and Beomgyu nods. "Also, you can shove your car in your ass-"

"I knew you were going to say something like that." The ravenette grins and grabs his book again, showing Taehyun that the conversation was coming to an end. "You always had a thing against me having a car..."

Yeah, it's jealousy you idiot, Taehyun thinks to himself as he ignores Beomgyu's comment and walks his way to the door. He was already late to class but didn't really care as he knew this professor was a very chill guy and wouldn't even notice if Taehyun sneaked inside the classroom in the middle of the lesson. But before going out of the door, his ears don't fail to hear a last stupid comment that comes from Beomgyu's mouth in a singing tone.

"I bet my car swims better than you, dummy."


Hi guys sorry for the delay, summer is being soooooooo boring and I'm always so tired I honestly feel exhausted all the time and I'm not sure if it's my brain resting after 1 year of university or if it's just my laziness getting worse ahahah.

The next chapters will be on this little trip with itzy.

I hope you're all okay!!!

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