Chapter 15

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            As Flamepaw and Mothwing made their way back to the others with their cobwebs, Flamepaw noticed the sky beginning to turn orange up ahead, signaling the end of another day. And what a long day it had been. This morning Krait had been alive and Flamepaw had no notion of where RiverClan was.

            Now, Krait was dead, Mothwing had found them, a wolf had saved their lives, and they were all recovering from their encounter with the twoleg hunters. Flamepaw wasn't sure she'd ever had so much excitement in one day before, not even on her quest to find Goldstar.

            Flamepaw sighed as she thought about her leader. Was she scared now? Or was she fearless like Flamepaw had always pictured her?

            I hope we get back to everyone soon, Flamepaw thought as she trotted alongside Mothwing, delicately holding the cobwebs in her jaws. She then began to long for her mother, her father, Rosepettle, Spotteddusk, and even Snowheart.

            Please don't let them suffer a terrible fate, Flamepaw thought. While Krait came to her mind, she began to think of Daisyflower again and Clawkit, and soon, Korosu's red eyes had slipped back into her mind.

            Flamepaw quickly shook these thoughts away, not wanting to fall into the same spiraling nightmare she had entered after returning from the quest. Right now it would be up to her, Mothwing, and Barkpaw to save RiverClan, and though it would be difficult, Flamepaw knew StarClan would aid them.

            "I hope the others aren't worrying about us," Mothwing spoke at last, glancing around. The sun was setting more rapidly now, and Flamepaw too feared that Barkpaw might be distressed over them.

            When Flamepaw did not reply, Mothwing continued.

            "We set out quite awhile ago. I hope that poor wolf is okay and his new pups," she said.

            Flamepaw nodded. "Lupin should be fine. He's a strong wolf."

            This, she was unsure, as she'd only met the wolf that day, but he seemed to be in good health and acted very strong and tenacious. Surely that meant he was recovering well.

            "Mothwing, how will we help RiverClan?" Flamepaw asked after a few more moments of silence. Mothwing was quiet for a few moments, the only sound escaping from her the quiet footsteps on the earth.

            "I am not sure exactly," she admitted, "but we'll find a way. I understand SwampClan well and know its location. We'll figure something out."

            Flamepaw nodded, though fear still shook her. She didn't want to lose the clan she'd grown up in or the cats she had grown to love. She would've given anything to be back in RiverClan living life as a normal apprentice who worked and trained hard with her mentor.

            But I am no longer a normal apprentice. I never was, she thought to herself. If the quest to find Goldstar had not taken away her ordinary life, then this experience surely would. She realized she had very few memories of just living in a normal clan and experiencing normal clan life.

            As they continued their walk, Flamepaw began to pick up the scent of the others, and she sighed in relief, glad nothing had happened during their separation. It seemed that Mothwing had picked up the scent too, and she fearlessly led the way.

            The sun had nearly set now, the orange and pink sky fading into one of indigo blue. Flamepaw quickened her pace, anxious to see the others while Mothwing attempted to follow her, quickly trotting behind.

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