Chapter 33

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 "Wake up! Wake up!" came the frantic call of Flameclaw's kits. The ginger she-cat slowly opened her eyes to find her three large kits towering over her sleeping body, excitement spread upon their faces.

"What time is it?" Flameclaw muttered, noticing that the kits still seemed to appear as dark silhouettes.

"Sunrise," Daisykit replied.

"But you have to get up! Our ceremony!" Goldkit reminded her.

Flameclaw chuckled slightly. "Your ceremony won't be for a little while longer. Go back to sleep."

The three whimpered, unhappy with this idea.

"But we can't sleep," Snowkit protested.

Flameclaw sighed. "Well, I can clean your pelts then."

"On second thought, we'll sleep," Goldkit decided.

Flameclaw purred, glad they had accepted this idea. She rested her head back down and shut her eyes, awakening a few hours later when the sun had fully arisen.

Flameclaw awoke to the sound of cats moving about and knew that the ceremony would have to be soon. Her kits were already awake chatting excitedly with their friends. She could hear them speaking of how they'd miss their friends but would be glad when they joined them as apprentices.

Flameclaw smiled, glad to see her kits take on their new journey as warriors.

"Daisykit, Goldkit, Snowkit, come here!" she called, waving the kits over.

"We thought you'd sleep through the ceremony," Daisykit joked.

"Before the ceremony, I need to clean off your pelts," Flameclaw decided.

"Aw, but why?" Goldkit complained.

"You're first, mister," she teased, seizing him by the scruff. Despite his growth, Flameclaw was still stronger than him, and she licked his fur and cleaned it as the tom flailed and whined.

When Goldkit was finished being cleaned, he rushed away from his mother and shook off his fur.

"I hate being clean," he muttered.

"Who's next?" Flameclaw asked, turning to the girls.

Snowkit volunteered, and after her pelt had been brushed down as well, Flameclaw worked on Daisykit, who complained just as much as Goldkit. Soon, all her kits looked their best, and Flameclaw smiled, excited to see them pad up the rock.

"Flameclaw," came a voice from outside the den.

The she-cat glanced up to see Smokestar looking in. He caught Flameclaw's eye and asked, "Are they ready?"

She nodded.

Her kits let out a squeal, and she led them out of the nursery while Smokestar headed up to the rock.

"Let's go!" Daisykit exclaimed, attempting to burst to the rock. Flameclaw stopped the silver tabby with her paw.

"Not until Smokestar calls you," she told her. The she-cat frowned but remained put.


Soon, cats began to gather, and Flameclaw watched as her kits twitched with excitement. Smokestar caught the kits' eyes and motioned them up. They took one last look at their mother and rushed away. Flameclaw grinned and scanned the audience until she spotted Barkfern. She happily trotted to him and sat down next to him.

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