Chapter 32

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More moons had passed since Flameclaw's kits had entered the world, and now, they would be apprentices within a matter of sunrises. It warmed Flameclaw's heart to have watched them grow in that time.

No longer were they the tiny kits that constantly relied on their mother, but now they were older, bigger, and capable of taking care of themselves. Flameclaw would miss the tiny kits she had once slept close too though. Now, they could all no longer fit in Flameclaw's nest!

She knew the kits were becoming excited about their approaching ceremony. Flameclaw recalled her days as a kit in RiverClan when she anxiously awaited becoming an apprentice. She was glad that her kits' friends would join them shortly. Flameclaw had few friends in her short time as an apprentice. She had gone on the quest very early into apprenticehood, and once she returned, she and Barkfern remained close.

Flameclaw was secretly glad though to relinquish her position as a queen. She could not understand how some she-cats wanted to remain a queen for life. Many more queens had moved into the nursery since the birth of her kits, and now, there were several kits running around the nursery and causing a ruckus. She knew the other queens did their best to silence their young, but with so many kits around, it was impossible to control them all. One she-cat had just recently given birth to five kits! Flameclaw had no idea how the she-cat could handle that many.

During one morning, Flameclaw sat out in front of the nursery, bathing her fur in the sunlight. Her kits were scampering around with Ripplekit, Cloudkit, and Hazelkit again, like they normally did. She had watched the kits grow very close to the other litter and was pleased to see them form such strong friendships. She knew without a doubt that they would hold these friendships for the rest of their lives. Perhaps some of them might even become mates with each other in the far future.

As they played, Flameclaw heard someone clear his throat and turned to the side to find Barkfern staring lovingly at her. Flameclaw purred and patted the ground beside her with her tail, inviting Barkfern to sit with her.

Her mate sat down and purred, his fur brushing against Flameclaw's.

"I see the kits are playing again," he noted.

Flameclaw nodded, her eyes still focused on the kits. She knew they could most likely be trusted not to cause trouble now, but she still wanted to be sure. In a few sunrises, they would no longer be her responsibility anymore.

"I sometimes miss when they'd let us join in their games," Barkfern admitted.

Flameclaw shrugged. "It's good to see them grow. They won't have much longer to play. They'll be performing apprentice duties in a matter of sunrises."

Barkfern nodded, though he remained silent. After a long pause, he finally spoke up again.
"I sometimes miss the days that they were young," he recalled.

Flameclaw snorted.

"When they were only a few moons old they nagged me constantly."

"I guess I didn't have to deal with them as much as you," Barkfern realized.


"You don't feel like I neglected you at all during this time, right?"

"No!" Flameclaw exclaimed quickly. Barkfern had been incredibly supportive during Flameclaw's time in the nursery. He would visit often, at least once a day, even if just to visit Flameclaw. He had been an excellent father to the kits and had spent more time with them than Flameclaw's father had ever spent with her.

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