Chapter 17

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As dangerous and exciting had the day been before, Flamepaw found the night, in contrast, to be rather peaceful. As soon as she'd gone to bed, she'd already imagined she'd have nightmares about Korosu and what was happening to her clan.

But upon falling asleep, she found that nothing haunted her. In fact, she barely had any dreams at all. As she slept, she dreamt of nothing but blackness and quiet. She was thrilled to have slept like this as it had been difficult to sleep for moons with RiverClan's disappearance haunting her each night.

Barkpaw was curled up beside her, his tail wrapped around her body. She purred as she felt his warmth against her and snuggled closer against him, thankful for his loving presence. Mothwing slept not far from them. She too was also curled up and slept peacefully.

Dusty was but a few nests down, and though he appeared to be sleeping, Flamepaw could sense him tossing and turning, his mind probably focused on his dead mate and missing kits. Flamepaw's heart sank at the sir of him.

Rose and Holly were barely visible against the night sky, but she could see the falling and rising of chests of the two dark figures. Lupin and Breeze were also curled up beside each other with the pups sleeping soundly as well, an occasional whimper echoing through their mouths.

As Flamepaw drifted in and out of sleep, she would glance up at the night sky where all the beautiful stars twinkled. She wondered if perhaps StarClan was looking down on her and offering her guidance. She quietly sighed, hoping a miracle would come soon.

All around her, crickets chirped, frogs croaked, and wildlife filled the nighttime air. She was vaguely reminded of sleeping in her nest back in the RiverClan apprentice den, and this thought began to lull her back to sleep.

Flamepaw slowly closed her eyes, ready to return to her dreamless sleep, free from all distractions, when the snapping of a twig jolted her back awake. She glanced around but found nothing, and she hesitantly rested her head back on her paws.

Glancing forward, she noticed the noise had woken Mothwing too, and now the calico she-cat seemed to be wide awake and vigilant. Calmed by Mothwing being awake and watchful, Flamepaw began to close her eyes again.

This time, another sound of a twig being cracked and a harsh whisper jolted her awake once more. Both Flamepaw and Mothwing glanced around and for a moment made eye contact before deciding that perhaps it was only a rabbit wandering around at night.

Still, Flamepaw feared that Korosu or perhaps the hunters would burst through those bushes and end their lives for good.

"MOTHWING!" came the whisper again, this time more audible.

Flamepaw watched as Mothwing jolted upright, shocked. She caught Flamepaw's gaze again and after a moment of silence, shook her head as if she were going crazy. Flamepaw wondered if perhaps she was going crazy too, and she revolved to attempting to fall back asleep again.

Another twig cracked, closer this time, and Flamepaw now sat up, knowing that something was lurking nearby. And judging by the fact this being knew Mothwing's name, it must be an unfriendly cat from the past.

Suddenly, something came through the bushes. Flamepaw held her breath, ready to screech and wake the others, when she recognized the golden pelt of the cat. Both she and Mothwing gazed at each other in shock, then turned back to the she-cat.

There was Goldstar, standing right in front of them. Flamepaw couldn't believe how different she looked. Her muzzle held traces of gray, her posture was not as firm, her limbs looked weak, and scratches covered her body. Her eyes, while they still glowed, seemed to have dimmed, and she looked as if she'd aged many moons in the time RiverClan had been gone.

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