Chapter 20

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Sunlight shot into Flamepaw's eyes as she weakly opened them, squinting at the morning sun. Slowly, her eyes became adjusted to the bright light, and she glanced around, seeing that Barkpaw was still curled up beside her, sound asleep. She smiled and licked his ear, glad to have him beside her. He twitched a little but remained sleeping.

She then turned her gaze to where Mothwing had fallen asleep the night before, but she was surprised to see the calico she-cat had vanished. Her heart pounding, Flamepaw immediately stood up, stirring Barkpaw accidentally.

"Huh? Is it morning?" Barkpaw muttered.

Flamepaw ignored him, glancing around for Mothwing. The she-cat's scent was still fresh, though Flamepaw wondered where she could've gone. Had she decided that this mission was too dangerous for them and decided to ditch them? Did she believe the mission was too dangerous? Worried thoughts jumped around in Flamepaw's head.

"You okay?" Barkpaw asked, letting out a large yawn. He stretched and slowly rose to his feet, turning to face her.

"I don't see Mothwing," Flamepaw told him in a panicked manner.

"Relax. She's probably out stretching her legs," Barkpaw assured her. "I'm a bit sore from last night too."

"But what if she's done exactly what Goldstar did?!" Flamepaw exclaimed, turning away to face Barkpaw. "What if she's run off to and left us alone? What if she doesn't care about RiverClan anymore? Why does every cat ditch us?!"

Barkpaw was silent for a moment then glanced past Flamepaw's shoulder.

"Um," was all he replied.

"What?!" Flamepaw exclaimed, furious to see him acting so calm.

Barkpaw slowly pointed his tail to behind Flamepaw's shoulder, and she spun around to find Mothwing staring oddly at the two of them, a couple of mice held in her jaws.

"Um, how much did you hear?" Flamepaw asked, suddenly embarrassed. She shrunk down, suddenly frightened of what Mothwing's response would be.

"I heard enough. I was just out getting us some breakfast," the medicine cat reassured her. "I never planned on running off by the way."

"I'm sorry. It's been difficult," Flamepaw confessed.

"No offense taken, Flamepaw. I probably should've waited until one of you woke before I went off. Anyway, there's a stream not too far from here where we can get a drink, and then, we'll be on our way," Mothwing explained.

"How soon until we arrive?" Barkpaw wondered.

The she-cat shrugged. "Hopefully by this evening."

"Is the scent still strong?" Flamepaw asked curiously.

"I can still definitely detect it," Mothwing said. "But eat up, both of you." She tossed the two mice toward them, and Flamepaw frowned.

"What about your breakfast, Mothwing?" she asked.

"I already ate. Sorry, but I couldn't wait. I was starving!" she exclaimed, laying down on the sun bathed rocks. "But those mice are fresh and waiting to be eaten."

"Share a mouse?" Barkpaw suggested.

Flamepaw nodded, and together, they ate their breakfast. She was used to eating just half a mouse for breakfast and sharing one with Barkpaw, but she was incredibly hungry today for some reason, probably from the long hike before, and she managed to wolf down the entire second mouse all by herself.

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