Chapter 46- Life is Uncontrollable

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Whoa Baby

Chapter 46- Life Is Uncontrollable

Motherhood is not a hobby. It is not something to do when you have time. It's a gift God gave you time for. - Neil L. Anderson

Two Days Later

Third Person POV

As JC and Drake sit on the front steps of Drake's porch, cigarettes in either their mouths or in between their fingers, leaned back, 'shooting the shit' as they call it. It wasn't a beautiful day out. In fact, it was a bit breezy and gloomy, but the warmth of inhaling the toxic smoke kept them from shivering. It made no sense why Drake was wearing dark wayfarer sunglasses like it was some mid-July summer day.

Taking a long puff of his smoke, he blows it off in the opposite directions and turns his head to JC, "So what did baby momma say the other day about fuck girl?" Drake asks, knowing the reason why his best friend wasn't talking because a lot was on his mind. Probably what he had told him a couple of days ago and what he saw at the pub?

Flicking his cigarette and letting the ashes drop, JC looked down at the cemented pavement and internally groaned about it, "She doesn't know about it." JC mutters, putting the cigarette to his mouth.

Drake lifted an eyebrow at him, shaking his head, "So you didn't tell her I was there? What the hell did you tell her then that's got you in such a pissy mode, Johnny?"

"Drake," JC started off calmly, glaring at his friend, "I don't care if she was talking to another guy. I could really care less that she is, it's not any of my damn business."

"Did you tell her about Bree?" Drake questions, stomping out his useless cigarette, "Wait, of course you haven't because you don't care. You know how awkward that made me feel seeing them two talking; and I'm not even you. Dude, they looked at each other, smiled, and didn't even realize they both screwed the same guy."

"And why would you care, huh?" He asks, stomping on his cigarette bud and brushing it off to the grass.

Drake throws his hands up in the air, propping his elbows on the step above him. He shakes his head, looking at the opposite direction, letting the conversation sizzle down a bit before things really got heated, "Your 'I don't care' attitude really sucks sometimes." Drake mutters, looking back at JC. "So what the hell did you say to her since you haven't been over there in two days and in a rather grouchy mood?"

JC licks his bottom lip then curls it in his mouth, shaking his head, and running a hand through his hair with a sigh, "Told her I was done. Drake there's been so much shit going on and I can't handle it all. You wouldn't understand."

"No, I don't, but you keep screwing up, and I don't think that girl is going to keep giving you chances." He pauses, turning his head to the street and thinking about it, "She's smarter than the other girls you've ever been with. She can do it with or without you, but you wouldn't care."

"I do care, alright."  He shook his head, getting up from the step and pacing around.

"Don't you think it's time you got help, Johnny? Enough dicking around and acting like you can take care of it all yourself." Drake says seriously, thinking JC was walking away.

"I don't need a shrink, Drake." JC scowls at him.

"Then if you don't get help I'm going to tell her." He threatened, standing up and leaning against the stair railing.

JC scoffs, shaking his head at Drake's bluff, "No you won't."

"Bet your ass I will, and I don't just mean about hooking up with Bree, I'm talking about everything." He emphasized. JC turned his head to his friend, staring at him sternly to figure out if Drake meant what he said, "Yeah, everything, because the girl deserves to know why you're such a dick."

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