Chapter 24- Worse Than I Thought

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Whoa Baby

Chapter 24- Worse Than I Thought

"It fell apart, faster than it could be put back together." -Unknown

It's cleaning day. I know. The worst possible day of the week. I hate it as much as the next person even though I'm probably the neatest person I know. Miles thought he could sneak away, but there was no chance of that happening. He wasn't going to stay for two weeks and then ditch on cleaning day.

You also wouldn't believe how much popcorn was found between couch cushions.

But we we're cleaning the house, practically from top to bottom, when I find extra baby photos from the other day. "Em, is there already an ultrasound picture for the other day on the fridge?" I ask her.

She leans over to look at the fridge and spots the third ultrasound photo under the second. "Yeah, it's up there. Why you ask?" She wonders, wiping her hands on a cloth.

"I just found a couple of extra. I know one is for my mom but I don't remember getting a third." I tell her, organizing the magazines on the coffee table.

"Did JC ask for one?" Emma figures, deeply sighing, and leaning back against the counter. "Kitchen is clean. No one is aloud in."

I sit on the edge of the sofa arm, thinking about it. Does short term memory loss come with pregnancy? "I think he did." I guessed, shrugging my shoulders and putting the photos back on the table, "Oh well-"

"Not oh well, you should go give it to him. If he wanted one it was for a good reason." Alice interrupts. I didn't even know where she came from, but she had one headphone in her ear and some bathroom cleaning products.

"Well if he misses it he knows where to find it." I tell her, dusting off the TV console.

"Maybe you should pay him a little visit. Just like when he pays you little unexpected visits." Alice suggests, hiding all the bathroom products under the kitchen sink.

I scoff, hitting the dusting wand outside on the deck, "Like I have the time." I mutter.

"You do actually. You have more time than anybody-"

"If she doesn't want to go, she doesn't have to go. Don't force her to." Emma defends, eyeing Alice critically, as she starts looking through kitchen cabinets.

"Pita pizza anybody?" Alice wonders, grabbing some ingredients from the cabinets and fridge.

"Don't make a mess of my kitchen." Emma says between her teeth, in a very threatening way. "I just cleaned everything. If you make a mess, you're cleaning it up."

"God, you sound just like my mother." I snicker, sitting on the stool around the counter.

"I mean, he asked for the photo, it must mean something. Maybe he's had a change of heart." She guesses, shrugging her shoulders, "Besides, what's the harm in visiting him anyways? He'll take the photo and you walk away." Alice continues back to the previous conversation. She shrugs her shoulders, she flattened out a wrap of pita flat bread on the counter and started slicing BBQ chicken from last night's dinner.

I guess when Alice put it that way I didn't see any harm in that. I probably could just slip it under his door too and walk away. Looking at the time on the stove I figured that maybe he and his friends would be out and about. I doubt boys would stay in on a beautiful like this to clean their house.

Maybe Alice is right, though. He asked for the picture, maybe, just maybe he did have a change of heart. They say that happens. All those romance movies and books when the father listens to the heart beat and it changes everything. Maybe that effect went over him.

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