Chapter 5- Sex

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Whoa Baby.

Chapter 5- Sex

"Don't have sex. You will get pregnant and die."- Mean Girls

*WARNING* before you start reading this chapter know that the beginning of this section will slightly preach the Christian religion due to the character's religious views. If you can't handle it or prefer not to read it here's your warning now. Do NOT leave hateful, sensitive, or mocking comments linking with the preaching, if you do you WILL be REPORTED. This is you're fair warning. Hope you can put differences aside and enjoy the chapter, because it is very import and crucial to the story line.

There was some kind of anxious look on my mother's face when I found her in the church office. It was Wednesday night, youth group was rescheduled for tonight, and teenagers would be coming any minute now if they remembered youth was tonight. We didn't have a large group, about nine teenagers consisted of it. Five girls and four boys. Once in a while someone would bring a friend along, but usually they wouldn't come back.

I sat on the chair in front of my mother's desk, she kept reading her notes even though I entered the room. I didn't expect any less, thinking she was probably just going over what she wanted to talk about today. When people started to arrive I met them at our normal place, the floor of the sanctuary. For some reason the floor became our place rather than the pews or one of the classrooms; it was just completely casual.

Mostly everyone arrived but two of the girls. So for once, the boys were in the majority. We didn't start right away, my mom was still in her office even when the clock struck seven thirty. The group got along pretty well for the most part. Sometimes the guys would seclude themselves from us to play their own games or talk about sports and not have to listen to us gossip. But for now, we all sat together, talking about the end of the school year and what we would be doing for the summer. That is, until my mom came in apologizing for being late.

"Sorry guys, I was just gathering my thoughts for what I want to talk about tonight." My mom said walking in. She perched herself on the third step of the stage. We all scooted closer, ready to listen. "So, I'm late because, I had to make up a whole new plan for today. Why? Because today when I woke up God put this thought in my mind that I should preach of premarital sex."

One of the boys, David, shifted uncomfortably in his spot as he leaned back on his hands and crossed his legs. Mom shuffled her papers and then grabbed her Bible to place on her lap. "I know this will be kind of awkward to talk about, and we're not going to go in depth with it or have a bird and bees discussion, but I just want to highlight the importance of it. So I'm going to read a couple of verses in the Bible where it talks about it. You can grab a Bible if you want, use the one on your phone or just listen."

I grabbed my phone in my bag and turned it on, finding my Bible app that I used more often than the physical book itself. Something my grandmother hates to be frank. Since I got to the verse first that my mom told us to find, I leaned over to Emma so she could look on.

"So put to death the sinful, earthly things lurking within you. Have nothing to do with sexual immorality, impurity, lust, and evil desires. Don't be greedy, for a greedy person is an idolater, worshiping the things of this world. Because of these sins, the anger of God is coming." My mother spoke clearly, pointing her finger as she always did when she spoke. She gave us another, "'Haven't you read the Scriptures?' Jesus replied. 'They record that from the beginning 'God made them male and female.' And he said, 'This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.'"

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