Chapter 26- Something Unpredictable

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Whoa Baby

Chapter 26-Something Unpredictable

"Just when you think it can't get any worse, it can. And just when you think it can't get any better, it can." ― Nicholas Sparks

*Three Weeks Pass*


It was time that we went home. After months of enjoying our beach house it was time to go back to our little town of Avon. I had anxiety for a week. I was nervous to go back home. I didn't realize how good I had it hiding out here in the beach house until I had to start packing up to go home. Face the people that have known me since the womb. Old class mate that haven't gone to college yet.

College. The topic made me want to cry. After a long, long, talk with my parents, they told me that it'd be best to take the first year off. I knew that would be best, and I knew that it would eventually come down to it, but when it actually happened I was depressed. Depress and worried all in one week, my doctor would shun me if she found out. I was also angry, blaming- of course- JC of all people for coming to the Drop Off that Easter evening. Then I blamed myself for ever even going there because if I didn't go there I wouldn't be pregnant.

I also didn't realize until I got home how great of a life I was living at the beach. Being able to relax on the beach or take a nice walk on the sand or on the boardwalk. Being with my friends twenty-four hours a day. Going home everyone had their lives to get to, their working flow and every day schedule. My mom spent her time at the church office some hours and then whatever other things she had on her schedule. Dad went to work every day from seven to five. My brother SJ practically every day would go to a friend's house until mom came home around two-ish.

Then there's me. The pregnant daughter all home alone, boxed stuffed in my room, baby clothes everywhere, baby toys everywhere; my room looked like it was in the process of being transformed into a nursery. It kind of is, with me living in it. I figured, since everybody has their own schedule I have to make up one of my own and since my mom has been hinting at me straightening out those boxes, I guess I can do something about it rather than sleeping in until noon, watch TV, or read books.

So I told myself -after the fifth night back home of doing nothing all day- I would unpack a box each day and build whatever was in the box. I didn't feel like getting out of the house much yet. Actually I didn't leave the house at all these five days back. Unless you want to count sitting on the front porch with my book as going out then sure, I've been out and about every day. I'm not ready to see shocked faces. Faces of loved ones and friends that I don't want to face and tell them a two hour long story.

When I was upstairs, ripping apart a box when I thought I heard the front door open. The time only told me noon. A few times my mom came home for lunch, she doesn't admit it, but I know it's to check up on me. I think she's talking to herself, or maybe on the phone when she walked in. I could faintly hear her voice when she walked in.

I didn't move from my spot on the floor though. I was too concentrated and determined to build the playpen I got. I was so focused I almost didn't notice someone walking in my room, until the person stood beside me anyways. Towering over me by a decent few feet.

"What do you think you're doing here?" I shout. My emotions quickly snapped into anger, quicker than ever before.

"Hello to you too." JC greets, stand over me with hands in his pockets as he looks around the room.

"Who let you in?" I ask, still angry. He obviously didn't care.

"Your mom. She's down stairs, said I came at the perfect time since she was coming back home to pick up something she forgot." He explains to me, walking up to a picture frame that held a picture from a while ago of the girls, Miles and I.

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