Chapter 15- A is for...

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Whoa Baby

Chapter 15- A is for...

"I'm not telling you it's going to be easy, I'm telling you it's going to be worth it."- Art Williams

*WARNING! Strong conservative issues will be address in this chapter. Please refrain from making any comments and or negative ones and respect the authors and people's opinion. Thank you and enjoy :) *

After eating a few bowls of cereal and then eating the food my friends brought from the restaurant, I took a nice comfortable seat on the padded lounge chair outside on the back deck, overlooking the ocean and the beach. It felt like a perfect day, mid-eighty degrees, and a slight breeze due to being next to the ocean. The sun felt warm against my skin which made me happy because I want a tan. The sound of the ocean was relaxing and mellow. It was worth every penny renting this place on the beach.

My friends had come home shortly after I had woken up, showered, and ate. Miles asked a few times how I was feeling. I told him it was nothing to do to massively drinking at last night's party like he believed. Frankly I didn't drink a sip of anything but water from a bottle. My People's Magazine entertained me for the time being as Miles, Emma, and Alice all sat around the deck talking plans. I was all up for another chill day at the beach and maybe some beach volleyball or badminton. But since this was Miles first day, Emma thought he should be able to pick what he wants to do.

Alice needed a break from Miles or so she said. So when Emma announced she was going to bring Miles down to the local shops Alice decided to stick around with me since I didn't want to be tempted to buy things. But as soon as Emma and Miles left, Alice disappeared after changing into some running shorts and sneakers. Something must have been really bugging her if she's going out for a run. That's what she usually does to clear her head or to get away from something.

After checking my Twitter and posting an envious picture of my view of the beach from the porch to Instagram, I continued to read the People's Magazine that was left behind by the last guests living here. It wasn't an old issue but it was nice to know for the zillionth time that Jessica Simpson is having yet another baby just after having her first one and getting sponsored from Jenny Craig. Then of course, it's always adorable to see the royal couple and their baby boy. That's a rare photo.

As I was trying to spot the ten differences of Kim Kardashian's picture I heard footsteps ascending the stairs to the porch. I figured it was Alice coming home and how she had a quick run, but I was mistaken. Surprisingly, JC stood in front of me. Red swim shorts, a white tee shirt with flip flops and shades. I didn't expect him to be here. And like every time I was in his presence I became queasy, uncomfortable and nervous.

"I thought I'd find you around here." He greeted standing on the top of the stair case and admiring the ocean. "Nice view you got here." He compliments, leaning his back against the railing.

"Nice to see you too." I said a bit sarcastically, looking up from my magazine. I suppose he too has a nice view. Emma did mention how much she loved the pier house.

"I've been seeing you around the parties lately. Experiencing that spontaneous wild life you dream of?" He asked, a small smile pulling at his lips.

Wow, I couldn't believe he actually remembered our first conversation. This whole trip I had intended to fulfill that part of me that wanted to live a little differently. Then, ideas changed. "Yeah, I guess so." I mumbled amazed. He nodded his head, looking over his shoulder to the ocean. As if he remembered something he turned his head quickly in my direction, "Is your friend's home?" He asked.

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