Chapter 13- Time To Take A Risk, Sweetheart

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Whoa Baby

Chapter 13 - Time To Take A Risk, Sweetheart

"Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so that we can see life with a clearer view again."- Alex Tan

I've only felt nauseous once, every morning, for four years on the same day. I always felt sick to my stomach on the first day of school because I was so nervous, but it passed. Today, surely, is not the first day of school. It's the first day of the new "normal". The moment my eyes opened I could feel my stomach churn and my mouth went dry. I tried laying on my stomach but it only made things worse.

That's when I knew, when I ran to the bathroom, spilling out acid that made mouth sting. Defeated I folded my arms on the edge of the toilet and rested my forehead. I only felt slightly better and hungrier than ever. The thing is too, I didn't think Emma or Alice would hear me, especially since all week they've been downstairs in the kitchen every morning eating breakfast before me. But somehow they did, and were standing at the doorway wondering if I were okay.

"Did you just throw up?" Emma confirmed, looking at me worriedly. I nodded my head weakly flushing the toilet. I didn't think anything else would be coming out. "Did you guys end up going to the party?"

"Paisley stayed here while I went to find Gabe, Lacey and Gemma. I was gone probably twenty minutes at most." Alice tells her, shaking her head. "You didn't drink when I left, did you?" Alice asked me, trying to remember if I showed any signs of being drunk last night.

"I didn't drink because I didn't go down to the party." I mumbled softly, resting my head in my hand and closing my eyes.

"Then are you just not feeling well?" Alice asks, rubbing my back comforting.

I nod my head, moving away from the toilet so the smell wouldn't upset my stomach even more. "I'm fine. I should eat some breakfast." I advise, washing my mouth with an audience.

"If you're not feeling well we can just spend the day in. Or just relax on the deck. We don't have to go out or hang out with any friends today if you don't feel up to it." Alice suggested, following closely behind me down the stairs.

"We'll see." I mumble, walking into the kitchen.

"Here. You can have half a bagel for now if you want." Emma offered, grabbing the other half in the toaster.

I nodded my head, thanking her, and began to spread butter and cream cheese over it. So unhealthy but I didn't care. Emma plopped herself on the sofa, TV on and bagel in her hand, skipping through commercial after commercial, looking for something good to watch. I ate my bagel slowly, taking small bites as I stared at one spot in the kitchen, dazed but not thinking about anything in particular. For once, a blank mind.

"Paisley!" Alice shouted in my face, trying to grab my attention. Maybe too dazed. "You look pale white, are you feeling okay?" She asked with much concern, looking over my face.

"I feel shitty but I'm sure that'll pass." I mumble, taking another bite of my bagel.

"I think you should try taking it easy today." She suggests.

"Maybe all those s'more I've been eating is coming back to hunt me." I joke, pushing away the bagel. I got up to look around for something else, I had no more appetite for the bagel anymore. Oddly enough I had much more interest in the bag of sea salted almonds that I did for the cheesy, fatty, high carb bagel.

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